all this is probably being spoken figuratively…
start here for more detail in how I got to this:
‘mind’, connects to the body via a qualia version taken from [at least] physical informations.
Mind [to be ‘mind’, I bid] must have something akin to the function of memory, something like how a photographic plate ‘remembers’ its viewed visual representation. Let us say that e.g. mind connects to body via light qualia which connects to and is informed by photonic light and/or mental info e.g. in imaginations and dreams.
Let us imagine that it is essentially and primarily benign, akin to a blank photographic plate.
Mind is also ‘being’; being is a generator of experience, ‘you’ for example, are such an experience. Even if being itself is the only thing being experienced, that is what ‘being’ effectively is.
In other terms which may make sense of it:
from birth until at the point of death, the collection of informations are akin to a matrix. This in turn is like an image formed upon the photographic plate. Then due to the nature of being, it is ‘automatically’ expressed again. maybe more if e.g. universe is itself a perpetually evolving matrix.
This would I feel be a very simple process which will apply equally to all expressions and to all life; jellyfish, birds and humans the same [as in druidic philosophy].
Birth will be the connection by which a given matrix can be once again expressed. I would imagine that such connections would be ‘like attracts like’ or nearest fit. Ergo a human would be reborn as a human. e.g...
Humans are an evolved mechanism of expression – let us say, and being wants to be expressed and would naturally fall into place so. i.e. with a given expression matrix [someone similar as the foetus].
- as long as there are humans here of course!