JackDaydream wrote: ↑April 18th, 2023, 9:24 am
My post got sent as I was writing it with my left hand, as the other is in a cast, so continues here....
As I argued in my thread on intention I don't believe that events in daily life are coincidental. The nature of cause and effects may be far more complex and may involve the 'soul' as the underlying connection. In speaking of a soul I am not suggesting a disembodied entity but more of a faculty of self awareness and realisation which can be tapped into. Personally, I do see my own experiences as being an ongoing learning curve of experience, but not reward or punishment; but as the law of 'As you reap so you will sow'. This is more about the inner aspects of causation and may be linked with the idea of a personal relationship with God. Of course, this is at odds with materialistic determinism and, ultimately, neither the perspective of atheist materialism or a spiritual form of idealism can be verified in a definitive and final way.
Then again, we cannot verify in a definitive and final way if we are simulations in godlike being's video game. Nor can we definitively very that we are not just brains in a vat,, dreaming our existence. (Though I find those ideas silly too).
So I go with probabilities and naturally lean towards atheism. Then again,, I'm not typical as I have a rather worshipful attitude towards the Earth and Sun, well worthy of the same reverence given to God - the reflection of Man's mind.
I don't see any reason to give Abrahamic religions a special pass over Greek or Norse mythology. As far as I can tell, the Abrahamic religions simply had better PR. Having said that, I am mindful of how European invaders threw the baby out with the bathwater when they invaded indigenous people's lands, ignoring the knowledge they had accumulated about their lands, and colonising Europeans' ignorance about conquered lands caused many problems for the environment and food supplies later on.
My guess is that the baby in the bathwater of religion is the idea that we are not the ultimate beings but part of something far larger and grander that we don't much understand. What do you think religion's baby and what do you see as the dirty bathwater to be tipped out?