My site got only one visit, from Moscow's KGB building.
This is my last post, during a war for democracy where my own vote is so completely gerrymandered, like so many others, it's pointless sending in the ballot.
My last words are TRUMP HATRED IS A SYMPTOM,, NOT A CAUSE of a terminally-ill two-party system. With the public fervbor for war and the resulting oil price hike, HOWEVER MUCH IT MAY EVEN MATTER....climate action was dropped AGAIN.
Revised greenhouse gas emissions data from the United Nations last month has moved the predicted date for September Arctic sea ice loss forward from 2035 to 2033. the loss of all ice will make it difficult to recover, as ice forms on the edge of existing sheets. I have all the substantiating data, but my experience like all other scientists now is that facts no longer make a difference to opinions, so it's not worth even getting into.
With the revised United Nations data, my fact is this. Whichever party wins USA's 2024 election loses in 2028, even if it gets a second term.
You can argue about it as much as you like, lol, it makes no difference anymore. The clock has moved too far, and urgent measures will either cause a USA civil war, or a world war, before 2050. The way things are, a civil war in the USA could actually be better for the rest of the planet, and I'm buying a gun. Oh I won't use it offensively. When the riots reach where I live, I'll just shoot myself. I don't want to live with beasts, some people actually enjoy the violence, but I find the whole fighting thing abysmally primitive.
There isn't anything else to do about it, being retired, Im just trying to take enough drugs to kill myself off without too much pain before the riots start, lol, that's all there is left for me to do. It's not like saying anything more would make any difference, is it?
Bye )