Thank you for your reply!
Belindi wrote: ↑March 21st, 2023, 6:20 am
Welfare of citizens can't be met as a voluntary charity for two reasons.
[...] if [the selfish and greedy] are to help other people they have to be made to do so [via non-defensive violence or the threat of non-defensive violence].
Scott wrote: ↑March 21st, 2023, 10:46 am
Then, indeed, I think we can easily agree, as I said in my previous post, absolutely 100% definitely your proposal requires prisons and entails violently imprisoning pacifists.
The violent expensive big government statism you are proposing and endorsing would require prisons and would require paying people to violently hunt down and shove peaceful people into those prisons.
So, to answer the titular question about whether society needs prisons: The kind of violent big government society that you, Belindi, want to exist would need prisons. In your society, there would be many peaceful people in prison including pacifists.
In contrast, nothing I want done requires prisons.
I do not support committing non-defensive violence (e.g. rape, murder, slavery) against peaceful people.
Thank you,
Belindi wrote: ↑March 23rd, 2023, 6:17 am
What I understand is you endorse the freedom of individuals to pay taxes or not, and that the state should not have the right to force people to pay taxes.
[Emphasis added.]
No, that is not what I believe. Namely, there are no 'shoulds' in my philosophy. For more on that, please see these other topics of mine:
There is no "Is-Ought Problem" because there is no 'ought'.
What the word "evil" means to me, and why I believe evil (as I use the term) does not exist.
An elaboration on how judgemental moralizing and the superstition of 'moral law' infringes on free-spirited inner peace
However, for most complete, convincing, and concise argument and explanation, you will want to read my book,
In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All. I spent over 5 years working on the book, and worked with many professional editors, beta readers, and proofreaders to ensure it was as concise, clear, and accurate as possible. It would take 20 years of full-time one-on-one conversation with a single person to give that one person what they can get in a single day simply by reading the book.
Belindi wrote: ↑March 23rd, 2023, 6:17 am
If this is what you believe, then your opinion of human nature is unrealistically optimistic.
I am sufficiently pessimistic to believe most people will not pay [...]
The opposite is the case. I am extremely cynical. I am a loving all-forgiving cynic, but I am a realistic cynic nonetheless.
I don't care how much the aggressively violent person claims to be a well-intentioned utilitarian or benevolent dictator (or worse a mob of humans acting together as a multi-person benevolent dictator)... I don't care how much they claim they are acting "for the greater good" or such or claim their allegedly glorious ends would 'justify' their aggressively violent means (e.g. murder, rape, slavery, etc.)... I don't trust any human to wield the power of non-defensive violence (e.g. murder, rape, slavery), not individually, and even moreso not in mobs or groups. It's precisely because I'm realistically cynical that I don't buy it into the dangerous violent pipe dream. I explain that in more detail in the following topic of mine:
Man is Not Fit to Govern Man: My Philosophy of Non-Violence, Self-Government...
To a degree, I understand the impulse you may have to go put a gun to someone's head and order him to donate to a charity you like. To a degree, I understand the impulse you might have to go commit a violent robbery at a bank so that you can then donate the profits to a particular charity you like. If it was me, I'd probably donate the violently robbed money to a charity that feeds starving children in the third-world, except--and this is a big except--I would never ever use such non-defensive violence (e.g. murder, rape, slavery) as the means to that end, to any end. And, shall I find myself in that bank where the charity-loving bank robbers takes his gun and starts threatening to murder people, I would if needed use defensive lethal force to kill the violent murderous bank robber and protect his would-be victims from the murderous non-defensive violence that he uses to fund charities he loves.
Thank you,
My entire political philosophy summed up in one tweet.
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.