Belindi wrote: ↑February 24th, 2023, 3:07 pm
Viswa_01210 wrote: ↑February 24th, 2023, 10:08 am
Belindi wrote: ↑February 24th, 2023, 9:39 am
Viswa_01210 wrote: ↑February 24th, 2023, 8:17 am
Okay, but who is to say which is Ethical which is not?
Then isn't it like curbing people from freedom to have fun, like those Egoistic Greedy Sages and Theism?
You and I and all responsible adults have a duty to decide what is right and what is wrong. If you hand over this responsibility to priests, a king, or a holy book then you have failed to be responsible.
This Democracy, shall be suitable only in States, where Country is in Good Economical Level and People are mostly compassionate. Even US and UK faces many threats and Evils because of this Democracy.
But, in case like India and Pak and Srilanka and etc., Low Economical Level People are High nd want Daily Amount for Survival. They sell "votes" for Money. They don't want to decide for themselves, and not interested to, but only need Money for survival, and asks themselves to those Politicians "Those Politicians have given this much Money, when you gonna give me? Only if you give more, I will vote you, or else I gonna vote for that Politician". They are not well Educated and Well Compassionate nd Well Economical Position, but their needs manipulate them, and Democracy ruins them by giving "Votes".
Votes, not my rights to them, but to satisfy my needs. Even if you give Education, they won't sit and hear, and only to Run for Daily needs as "Fun" and "Necessities" is what they want out of Money but no Ethical Nation.
So, if they are more in such Countries, Democracy is another Failure. Even it's a Failure in the One were it started implemented too, as they couldn't take Action against Unethical Person at large, due to the Competition posed by Opposing Parties and needed Votes of such Few Unethical People too to Win Opposing Leaders.
That is true. You need a judicial system independent of the ruler, you need workers who are not so overworked and listless that they are apathetic, you need literate workers(although education levels don't have to be high for democracy to work well enough), you need elections that are free from corruption and bribery.
Religions alone are useless for democratic reform because ruling elites bend religious doctrines so that social mobility does not happen.
People have to revolt against a corrupt ruler for democracy to work. The Abrahamic religions are effective when they inspire and endorse social movements towards democracy and against corrupt rulers. Unfortunately usually these religions are used to conserve old hierarchies.
To conserve old hierarchies the religions are interpreted as glorifying poverty, mystifying the divine rights of rulers and rich people, and romanticising cheap consumer goods, entertainments, and easy consolations.
Sorry Belindi. You are only pointing Religion as a problem here, where it is not in South India. In Kerala, and Tamil Nadu States of India, Religion not much matters for Elections as it is in Hinduism in North India.
I know you won't try to understand what is truly going on with "needs" and "Unethical Fun" and "Economic Conditions", but keep on saying "Religion, Religion, Religion".
You are complaining People but not understanding their situations.
My question is, until People understand what you said about "Democracy", until People throw away "Corruption, etc." - what kind of Rule should be imposed?
If you willing to truly understand, then reply. If again gonna complain "People, Corruption, Religion, etc.", then I see you are not Practically addressing but just Ideologically "what-should-be" in "Conditioned to Democracy".
Also, You fail to see the "Dark side of Democracy". Shall we speak about that?
Politicians and Governments in West in Democracy based, needs Friendship of Major Illegal Gun Dealers and Drug Dealers. If they don't keep Friendship with them, then they will become a National Threat as well as Threat to a Party. Not only them, Businessmen support also necessary, even if those Businessmen are slightly Unethical and illegal.
I know, you won't go into it as you keep on "Praising Democracy" but don't try to know what "major dealings" happen in "High Level" between Nations and Political Parties and Gun/Drug Dealers and Businessmen.