Scott wrote: ↑February 16th, 2023, 5:26 pmWhat I would say is that, due to special and general relativity, most namely the relativity of simultaneity, I believe change is incompatible with determinism, if--and the word if here is a key word--we assume there is nothing transcendental to the 4D block universe.
Most specifically, I generally mean causal determinism, but I would conjecture that logically it applies to any reasonable definition of or form of determinism one could propose. To me, it seems almost like basic grammar in a sense, simply because of the way the words fit together: If the future and/or past can change, then they aren't determined, ipso facto.
There is change in a "4D block universe" if and only if it is not the case that all of its temporal parts are qualitatively identical, i.e. if and only if it has at least two temporal parts which aren't duplicates of one another. Change thus defined (i.e. as qualitative non-identity or variety of temporal parts) can certainly occur in a deterministic 4D block universe.
"I shall say that two possible worlds diverge iff they are not duplicates but they do have duplicate initial temporal segments. Thus our world and another might match perfectly up through the year 1945, and go their separate ways thereafter. …
First, a system of laws of nature is Deterministic iff no two divergent worlds both conform perfectly to the laws of that system. Second, a world is Deterministic iff its laws comprise a Deterministic system. Third, Determinism is the thesis that our world is Deterministic."
(Lewis, David. "New Work for a Theory of Universals." 1983. Reprinted in
Papers in Metaphysics and Epistemology, 8-55. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. pp. 31+32)
That is, determinism is true in a 4D block universe U if and only if there is no possible alternative universe U*
with the same laws of nature whose temporal part ending with the end of 2022 is a duplicate of U's temporal part ending with the end of 2022, but whose temporal part beginning with the beginning of 2023 is
not a duplicate of U's temporal part beginning with the beginning of 2023.