Sy Borg wrote: ↑February 3rd, 2023, 3:39 pm
The OT Yahweh became the NT Jesus/God. These are particular deities that do not accord with others such as Ba'al, Allah and Zoroaster. It certainly does not accord to the more abstract and less personified concepts of Buddhism and Taoism in the east.
Generalists like Gandhi attempted to see commonality of religions. After all, what is the difference between your Gaian beliefs and those of theists? All religions and spiritual models assume that there is something greater than humanity. That, I would argue is the main commonality of religious ideas. The notion that humans are not supreme, and that some humility is in order in the face of greater powers.
When religions cross their linguistic boundaries, they take on a variety of forms. Each form is influenced by the new geography, culture, language, and practices of a particular people or community. Judaism has changed throughout millennia, Christianity looks different on different continents, Islam is different in western countries, and the development of Buddhism in India, China, and Japan, shows this clearly. We also saw it when D.T. Suzuki took Buddhism to America. The cultural influences in the Bible show that it is an anthology of religious belief take from various sources, as are many ancient scriptures. Catholicism was an attempt (as the word implies) to prevent diversity, but it occurred anyway, however the suspicion hangs in the air that the original teaching of Jesus was non-dual.
Cynthia Bourgeault, Episcopal priest, writer, modern day mystic, and internationally acclaimed retreat leader, wrote in her book,
The Wisdom Jesus, “The angle of approach I will be using throughout this book is to see Jesus first and foremost as a wisdom teacher, a person who … clearly emerges out of and works within an ancient tradition called “wisdom,” sometimes known as
sophia perennis, which is in fact at the headwaters of all the great religious traditions of the world today. It’s concerned with the transformation of the whole human being. Transformation from what to what? Well, for a starter, from our animal instincts and egocentricity into love and compassion; from a judgmental and dualistic worldview into a nondual acceptingness. This was the message that Jesus, apparently out of nowhere, came preaching and teaching, a message that was radical in its own time and remains equally radical today.” I don’t believe that Jesus came out of nowhere, and she has said he emerged “out of and works within an ancient tradition called “wisdom,” sometimes known as
sophia perennis.”
Aldous Huxley, popularized the idea of a perennial philosophy with a larger audience, and said, “the Perennial Philosophy is expressed most succinctly in the Sanskrit formula, tat tvam asi ('That thou art'); the Atman, or immanent eternal Self, is one with Brahman, the Absolute Principle of all existence; and the last end of every human being, is to discover the fact for himself, to find out who he really is.” Allan Watts said in a talk, “they say in the Upanishads, those ancient texts of Hinduism, they say: Tat Tvam Asi. You’re it! Ha! You are everything that’s going on. In other words, you are a particular place in which the whole universe is focused.” Even Carl Sagan said, “I am the local eyes, ears, thoughts, and feelings of the universe. I am the universe bringing itself into consciousness.”
According to Wikipedia: Sophia perennis, or perennialism has its roots in the Renaissance interest in Neo-Platonism and its idea of the One, from which all existence emerges. Marsilio Ficino (1433–1499) sought to integrate Hermeticism with Greek and Jewish-Christian thought, discerning a prisca theologia which could be found in all ages. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463–94) suggested that truth could be found in many, rather than just two, traditions. He proposed a harmony between the thought of Plato and Aristotle and saw aspects of the prisca theologia in Averroes (Ibn Rushd), the Quran, the Kabbalah and other sources. Agostino Steuco (1497–1548) coined the term philosophia perennis.
So, the fact that Gandhi also believed that there is an indefinable, mysterious force that pervades everything and that defies the demand for proof because it transcends human sensibility is quite normal. For him, truth and love were synonyms for God, and anything that contradicts truth and love should be rejected as godless.