Ecurb wrote: ↑January 30th, 2023, 10:34 pm
Despite your complaints, my point stands. Panels of judges decide whether to accept journal papers. The decision is made ad populum.
You still fail to understand what an a
d populum argument is, and why it is fallacious. An
ad populum argument is one which holds, "Everyone (or some defined group) believes
P is true. Therefore,
P must be true."
The fact that some group believes P to be true is assumed (per the
ad populum fallacy) to be
evidence for the truth of
P, a reason for believing that
P. Which it is not. None of the judges on your "panel" are basing their vote on the beliefs of other members of the panel, or the beliefs of anyone else. They're basing their votes on the evidence presented in the paper before them. That they agree that the evidence supports the thesis of the paper is not itself an argument for the soundness of that thesis.
Most people would agree that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. But their agreement is not evidence for that fact. An argument to the effect, "Everyone agrees the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Therefore, the sun must rise in the east and set is the west" is a fallacious argument --- the evidence for that proposition consists of observations of the position of the sun in the sky at various times of day; people's beliefs have nothing to do with it.
So, no, your panel is not approving the paper based on an
ad populum argument, and their agreement does not constitute an
ad populum argument for the soundness of the paper's thesis.
You seem to be construing "possessions" narrowly, embracing only tangible, physical objects. The term has a much broader scope.
The definition is unclear. What does "hold" mean? We can't "hold" liberty, or life. What does "have" mean? Can we "have" other perople's lives? If not, why do we "have" our own?
Egads. You're now questioning the meanings of "hold" and "have"? What's next --- the meanings of "this" and "that"?
Neither "life" nor "liberty" is a "knowledge" or "skill". Perhaps, then, we are left with "attribute". Is liberty an "atribute"? Not if you're in prison, or enslaved. Is life an "attribute" -- well, maybe. That's your last gasp in an arguement you seem to think is clear anbd obfvious, but which isn't.
*Sigh". Yes, those are attributes of living things. Those things (and many others) have many other non-tangible attributes as well (but maybe I'm being vague, using the word "have").
So I ask again: do you have a rational argument for that duty?
Of course I do. Postulate: Do unto others as your would have others do unto you.
Heh. Well, couple of problems there. First, the postulates of a theory must be self-evident --- i.e, beyond reasonable doubt. Your postulate is hardly that, and in fact begs the question. The Golden Rule also has disconcerting implications: Would you want a masochist to do unto you what he would have you do unto him? Your postulate is as dubious as the conclusion you wish to draw from it.
Coralarry: Most rational people would want help paying for medical care if they were indigant.
That is not self-evident either. And surely false if this "help" is be secured from unwilling persons at gunpoint.
Conclusion: We should pay for indigent people's medical care.
Well, that conclusion is a glaring non-sequitur; there are terms in the conclusion that don't appear in the premises, and you're trying to derive an "ought" from an "is."
I'd suggest a course in logic.
This is one of many duties that follow from the basic principle. Of course I know you don't accept the principle. But you can hardly pooh-pooh it as historically or ethically irrelevant. It's been the foundation of Western morality for 2000 years.
Well, no, it hasn't. It is just a dogma often recited from pulpits, but honored more in the breach than the observance.
If you think there is no duty to care for your children, love your neighbor, and do unto others, that's your prerogative -- just as it is mine to think your negative philosophy is like a black hole, sucking the light from the universe.
Oh, there is a duty to care for your children --- you brought them into the world. As I said, duties arise from acts of the agent. But there is no duty to "love your neighbor" (and if there is, hardly anyone honors it). You do have a moral
constraint with regard to your neighbor, i.e., not to violate his rights. But no
duty to provide for him.