value wrote: ↑January 19th, 2023, 3:24 pm
GE Morton wrote: ↑January 19th, 2023, 1:15 pm
Well, Astro didn't say it was logically impossible for God to create "being." She said it was impossible for him to create omnipotent people. Her statement is coherent; yours is not (mainly because "being," as you are using it, is undefined).
My argument is that if Being would be good as it was that there would be no reason for Being and a reason for Being - the why question of Being - is evidently applicable.
I said that "being," as you're using it, is undefined. Is "good as it was" supposed to be a definition of "being"? I have no idea what you're claiming with that statement. You still seem not to understand the meaning of "good," either --- you're using that term (as with "being"), as though it is some sort of entity (substance? force?) which exists independently from the judgments of any agent (or in the case of "being," independently from any particular being). "Good" or "goodness" is not a thing or a property of things. It is a pseudo-property --- an invented property we apply to things to denote that we desire them or approve of them.
There is no "being as such." Nor is there any "good as such." Those notions are metaphysical nonsense, deriving from a misunderstanding of the meanings of those common terms. They denote nothing; it is silly Platonism. There are only discrete, particular beings, and particular "good" things, in the subjective judgments of sentient beings.
And, no, we can't ---
fruitfully --- ask why something exists (rather than nothing). All proffered answers to that question lead to an infinite regress, and thus tell us nothing.
The concept Being as such describes the quality of existing from within a subjective perspective. The term Being essentially contains the why question within it and thereby automatically seeks meaningful relevance 'within' experience and that within is the origin of existence.
Insofar as I can make sense of that statement, you seem to be saying:
1. "Being as such" is the existence or reality of subjective experience.
2. That experience includes a drive, or compulsion, to ask why does (my experience) exist.
But then you get to:
3. The question (per #2) seeks "meaningful relevance" within experience. Then,
4. That "meaningful relevance" is the "origin of existence."
Though what counts as "meaningful relevance" is undefined and is too nebulous to support any conclusion, that it might serve as the "origin of existence" is just a glaring
non sequitur.
It explains that philosophy has dedicated to the concept Being which is named Ontology. Ontology comprises of a 'quest' into Being (a qualitative fulfilment of the 'seeking' that is contained within the term).
Ontology is the philosophical inquiry into what exists, how existents should be categorized, and what are the most basic, elemental, categories of existents. Apart from the H-H-H sidetrack (Hegel, Heidegger, Husserl), it does not treat existence, or "being," as a either an entity, substance, or even a category. That is metaphysical sideshow ignored by most modern philosophers.
GE Morton wrote: ↑January 19th, 2023, 1:15 pm
Exactly. It shouldn't be asked because it is unanswerable in principle. If, that is, you're looking for an answer that is logically sound, is testable and that has some explanatory power. Of course, there are endless vacuous answers one might conjure up in imagination.
In my opinion the potential of the 'why' question demands an explanation. Your argument that the question is fundamentally unanswerable is not substantiated or do you have a substantiation?
Yes, suggested above. To ask why anything exists is to ask for the cause of its existence. But then you have to ask for the cause of the cause, and for the cause of that cause,
ad infinitum. Hence an infinite regress. "Why" questions only lead to productive answers when the cause identified is palpable, modifiable, controllable, i.e., when it allows you to manipulate the effect, to bring it about or prevent it. Asking for causes beyond our control, or which have no value for predicting future events, are idle questions. The answers will be speculative, unverifiable, and lacking any explanatory utility.
The belief that 'things' (that are of a repeatable nature) have always existed is a magical belief in my opinion. The same would apply to the supposed 'only alternative' that things have sprung into existence from nothing.
No particular thing has (likely) always existed. Any X was caused by something Y, which was caused by something else Z, etc. There is nothing incoherent or "magical" about an infinitely long causal chain, one that has no "first cause." Indeed, it is the only alternative to "something coming from nothing."
A user on this forum described it as following:
Terrapin Station wrote: ↑April 28th, 2021, 5:01 pmFor any given initial existent, either it "spontaneously appeared" or it always existed. Those are the only two options, and they're both counterintuitive. Nevertheless, there's no other choice.
Logical options. Either we're exhausting the logical possibilities or we're not. Again, if you can think of a third option, that's great, but you'd need to present what the third option would be.
My argument is the following:
At question would be how a philosophical 'option' (magically always existed or magically have sprung into existence) is possible in the first place. It is then seen that for any option to be possible an aspect is required that is not of a nature that allows a choice.
Well, though what you mean by an "aspect" (of what?) is unclear, what you're saying there seems to be another
non sequitur. Are you saying we cannot choose between those options? Why not? (TP had it right, BTW).