Sy Borg wrote: ↑January 18th, 2023, 4:20 am
Hi Stoppelmann. I don't think we've spoken before.
I maintain that every year since 1945 has been better than any time beforehand for the previously-mentioned reasons. We invariably compare our troubles today with the post-WWII years. We don't think much before that time because life was relatively "nasty, brutish and short".
No, I believe this is the first time.
"Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short" is a quotation from Thomas Hobbes' book Leviathan, 1651, in which he described the natural state of mankind (the state pertaining before a central government is formed) as a "warre of every man against every man" and recommended what has now come to be known as the “social contract theory.”
However, the characteristics of Indigenous culture, for example in Canada, includes a long history of permanent settlements, agriculture, civic and ceremonial architecture, complex societal hierarchies, and trading networks. When a representative of the indigenous people from Canada came to France in the 17th century and saw the destitution of people on the streets of Paris he became angry and said, “And you called us savages? You are the savages, where did you see such poverty in our villages?” Everywhere that colonialists went, they found people with some kind of social contract within societies. It may not be the same as today, but the idea that life was brutish is normally taken from our perspective.
Sy Borg wrote: ↑January 18th, 2023, 4:20 am
I think the final nail in theism's coffin in the west came from the child molestation revelations. We found out that our trusted spiritual guides - who were supposed to guide us to the light - were in fact far darker than those they "led".
I am less optimistic, although you do say the “final” nail, but as far as I am concerned, Christianity lost its way when Constantin gave the Church power. Since then it was always only in small pockets of spiritual communities, where the mystical tradition was preserved. These groups were dependent upon not being scrutinised, or that Rome was otherwise occupied. Exceptions confirm the rule. I am also reluctant to see the prophets, or Christ, or the apostles as torchbearers, rather they showed those willing the way out of the darkness. In fact, when they tried to be torchbearers, they were attacked and killed, which is why the idea of a “universal” church is an illusion.
Sy Borg wrote: ↑January 18th, 2023, 4:20 am
Yes, we are losing something by discarding unfounded belief in ancient myths, but losses are inevitable with change. The process is not so different to the losses of connection with the land and ancient spiritual practices when church-led expeditions of conquest dismissed indigenous people's wisdom. They treated them like fauna. Thousands of years of accumulated knowledge was lost. Now, religion's baby is about to be tossed out with the bathwater too, just as it did to older cultures.
I’m a bit confused by the language you use, especially when you speak of “unfounded belief in ancient myths,” probably because I believe that ancient myths are vehicles or mediums that take you on a journey to an experience. The truth is “between the lines,” in the experience of when it is told, and comes to you in a moment of quietude, not in reading the stories like fiction, or even taking everything literally. You open the book you enter that world, when you close the book, you exit and the experience lingers. So the knowledge that was lost was more the ability to call upon that experience rather than facts and figures. I have a friend who wanted to learn verses by heart, which he did very well, but how they were connected eluded him.
Sy Borg wrote: ↑January 18th, 2023, 4:20 am
The way I see it, growth demands loss. We become mature adults at the expense of youthful charm, energy, drive and creativity. Those who try to hang onto their youth for too long tend to be seen as ridiculous, tragic try-hards and wanna-bes. So I accept that losses will come as humanity matures. Three steps forward, two steps back. As with individuals, whether humanity survives long enough to become mature is not guaranteed.
You have a different view of maturity to me. For me, every generation has the task of reaching maturity and can have the advantage of having a teacher that can help you find that maturity. But all the same, each generation must go down that road, and rarely you find young people who shorten their search, most of us spend too much time being distracted, and many never spiritually mature. Technology suggests progress, but in fact it takes things out of our hands. As an example, I was manager of a stores office for the army in the 1980s and we worked on one of the first multi-workplace computers. Some of the staff were typists who were just copying numbers into the machine. One ordered a piece of conduit for a vehicle and when she was finished, she had the feeling that something was wrong, but she couldn’t check it and didn’t mention it to me. It was only when a warrant officer at Southhampton docks called me up, after having to find our telephone number, and asked if I really wanted ten HGV’s full of conduit, considering that we were only a station workshop, that it was stopped. The demand had gone through the system, the transport been signed off by an officer and it was only when an experienced warrant officer had a hunch that something was amiss that it was stopped. It is this experience that we need, less the automation that speeds things up but also veils what is going on.
Youthful charm, energy, drive, and creativity was a problem for my son, who is only 40, because his “code-crunchers” were updating software for customers without speaking to them and having no idea of what the task was that their customers were faced with. They had developed software for processes that worked with other processes, but the whole thing didn’t interest them. My son, as trouble-shooter was interested, and understood the problems the customers were having, when he spoke to the charming, energetic young people, they maintained that they should be dictating to the customer … My son is now self-employed. He says that AI technology isn’t the problem, but narrow-minded programmers who cannot see the whole picture. The same applies to all technological developments. I am not a humanist, in fact, I am very dubious about humanity.
The concept of God is another area in which people have taken ancient traditions and interpreted them to suit their current mindset rather than question that mindset on the grounds of traditions. The old man in the sky, the wish vending machine, the prayers before battle, the “blessing” of warships, are all signs of us wanting a god to conform with our ego. Wrong!