As we have seen in Part I of Atheism Is Not Logical, the infamous quote from Einstein (the “fanatical Atheist” who holds a “grudge” against religion) was indeed that gift which kept on giving. As such, we saw that emotions were often driving many of the A-theists belief systems rather than say, pure reason. Now, as Kant might argue, that’s not necessarily a bad thing in-itself because as we know, the human species, a thinking thing (an animate creature or object), has certain intrinsic qualities associated with their beliefs/behavior. Certain things that are natural to wonder about and/or believe in (i.e., that all events must have a cause). In this case, normal synthetic a priori judgements we humans posit, which aside from imaginative leaps (which are then worked backwards like writing music) are the bedrock of scientific discovery. It all starts with an idea or a sense of wonder. But what are ideas in-themselves? Objects of thought? What are subjects and objects anyway? What kinds of intrinsic qualities do they have?
Of course, these kinds of questions or qualities coming from a mind-dependent reality is that which processes both thoughts and feelings about stuff. Basic cognition (cognitive science/psychology) 101 says we are self-aware sentient creatures with volition. And these qualities hold causal properties that effect decisions, in this instance, about the feelings that we have. Philosophically, this is all part of the subject-object dynamic.
And so these anthropic qualities as being all part of a conscious self-aware creature who experiences a variety of complex belief systems, generally correspond to both the intellect and the Will (see William James for more detail) in order to believe or disbelieve, in a some-thing. Unfortunately, like gravity and particles, this involves an insoluble mix of both logic and feeling. In other words, these kinds of qualities of things involve thoughts and feelings that are inexplicitly linked together. How do we parse their so-called properties to discern their truth values? Do these thoughts and feelings relate to one’s objects of thought? How would objects in-themselves correspond to beliefs?
Closely related to physical objects themselves are the philosophical ideas of Objectively. In principle, feelings are removed from such a thought process. In pure reason or math, it doesn’t matter how a person feels about the truth of 1+1=2. However, in contrast, one who holds certain beliefs can believe a some-thing for reasons from experience, only that to objectively prove something they would prefer removing any feelings, arbitrariness or subjectivity from the equation. How is that possible?
A common example could be if a tree fell in the forest and nobody was around to hear it, would it still have fallen? Objectively, it seems as though it would still have fallen. In physics, the answer would be yes, it still fell. Yet subjectively, it would not have fallen particularly if a subject-person was not there to observe it, witness it or hear it. With respect to observations in history or witnessing, this poses yet another threat to Atheism. In Christianity, Jesus who existed in a history book, those accounts involved subject persons who witnessed his existence. What kind of belief would that be? What is its truth value?
Subjectively, one who holds certain beliefs can believe a some-thing for various reasons, including a so-called experience that they’ve had, causing them to in-turn believe what they believe. In this context, if a person say’s ‘I saw God yesterday’ and another person say’s ‘I did not see God today’, who is right? What kind of truth did they both experience? A subjective truth? Which truth is right?
Turning to cosmology for a moment (and the various analogical implications), we know from science there is unseen energy that exists. Like gravity itself (Higgs/Boson, quantum phenomenon, etc.) as it needs particles to manifest its truth values. And we also know that particles can actually behave without any direct physical communication between them (spooky action at a distance). Is this a kind of quantum phenomenon or observer experience? Is it like the phenomenology associated with other a posteriori kind of stuff? You know, like what a subject-person might believe based on empirical evidence? A religious experience? In any case, perhaps we are back to the beginning, what is an object of thought, and is reality mind dependent. And indeed, perhaps a discussion for another time.
Returning to objectivity or reason, let's take a quick look at logic itself. In science (physics) we know that pure reason or deduction (mathematics), is the most secure form of reasoning. If Atheism relies on such Objectivity, yet analytical propositions don't seem to help them either, are they still in a bit of a conundrum? The answer still seems to be yes. For example:
a Whatever begins to exist has a cause of its existence.
b The universe began to exist.
c Therefore, the universe has a cause of its existence.
True, false or something else?
If I was an Atheist, I think I could perhaps somehow argue that there was no beginning. An ‘eternity’ of sorts. Or based my belief on a kind of steady-state theory or Multiverse, I could revise the logic to:
A whatever exists has a cause of its existence
B the universe exists
C therefore, the universe has a cause of its existence
But is the Atheist still in a pickle? How would they deny such a conclusion?
With respect to human nature, my questions to the Atheist:
1. Do those conclusions respond to the synthetic a priori judgment that all events must have a cause? If not, why not?
2. Is this foregoing conclusion true, false, logically necessary, or something else? If false, please feel free to explain your answers using a similar form of logico-deductive reasoning if you can.
3. Does that logic in-itself infer the concept of a God, a final cause, a prime mover, a thing-in-itself that controls both the matter and information (narratives)? And/or does the concept of a God relate to a' thingy' that has causal properties or power, kind of like your own Will that causes people to do stuff? You know, that thingy in consciousness that is qualitative in nture; not exclusively quantitative?
Atheism definition: disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
Is there a way for the A-theist to reconcile their belief system somehow?
― Albert Einstein