Since taxes, unlike fees, go into a pot of money, from which a myriad of services are paid for, there is no practical way to calculate which services benefit which taxpayers despite your glib suggestion (sans examples) to the contrary.
Well, the latter part of that claim, that there is "no practical way to calculate which services benefit which taxpayers" at is simply false. Making such determinations is not even difficult, for most government programs, or for any of the "free lunch" schemes, which explicitly set forth who is eligible to receive them. Persons who, for example, do not receive food stamps, or HUD rent subsidies, or Pell grants, or Medicaid assistance obviously don't benefit from those schemes --- and, no, we don't count hypothetical and unsolicited "neighborhood effects" as benefits. Persons who don't attend operas don't benefit from NEA subsidies to opera companies; persons who don't ride Amtrak or local public transit systems don't benefit from subsidies to those services; persons who don't visit national parks don't benefit from the taxes they pay to support them. Etc. All such activities have counterparts in the "private sector," and like them, could be financed by ticket sales to actual users. But the masses want free lunches, and politicians must deliver them to win votes.
I think you have to up your economic sophistication before you decide that all government should be done by fees. They try it in Singapore. They try it in all sorts of of states and municipalities and it's a huge "so what?". In all economics, .ross subsidies are the rule, not the exception.
First, consider your bank. You think that you trade fees for service at the bank. Well, that's not how they see it. The book of business are a major bank is almost incalculable by any but a very small number of experts. Therefore, all fees, all borrowings, all "deposits" are consolidated into pools and divided by totally arcane criteria of which you are happily unaware. You think you have a credit card. They think you are a number representing a (very small) probabilistic payment stream within a tranche of revolving credit facility with an overcollaterailized senior tranche - oh and that's before the fancy stuff kicks in.
Take something simpler like direct subsidies - food stamps (EBT), housing subsidies, medical subsidies, subsidies for addiction treatment, subsidies for addiction treatment in jail and on parole, subsidies for mental health care, subsidies for mental health care in jail or on parole. These programs are made this way because it's very important to libertarian fanboys that nobody should get what they don't "deserve". People who have to actually work in this space try as much as possible to combine these programs and administer subsidies on a per-individual basis because it makes sense.
When a person becomes homeless, it's not one thing that happened, it's everything. Homelessness is like a plane crash. It makes no sense to say "well, they only need x for food and y for drug treatment except after 6 weeks where they will have to pay first 30%, then 50, then 80..blah blah blah 'we'll pick up the seats and the bodies from first class but it's not fair if we're asked to pick up the wings and the dead pets because we didn't get our full ambulance painting subsidy last week. And yet this is how things turn out when "fee for service" thinking invades the minds of regulators.
People who have been brought back to society, treated and are ready to live on their own without crashing again then have to wait 8 months AFTER a housing program finds them a place while a case worker shoehorns them into a particular housing subsidy plan. It's beyond ridiculous. Cross-subsidy is the PURPOSE of programs for the homeless. You're trying to maximize impact and minimize resources spent. Programs created by people who think they can quantify homelessness and poverty on a need-by-need basis create a nightmare of regulation that the people who need the help literally cannot negotiate themselves.
In fact, in my view most of the regulation that exists in America exists for the people whose sole concern is not the success of the program but trying to make sure that nobody gets what they don't "deserve". God forbid that some libertarian fanboy spend $1.65 more than he's "supposed" to.
So that's why I created my entirely workable, no-federal-tax system. Create the funding for the Federal budget the way a bank does. If taxes are used only use them to smooth the cash flow at big insurance programs. There are very few people who think that it's so unfair that communities inundated by floods get rescued that they should get a check, too. There are some, though, I suppose.