chewybrian wrote: ↑November 25th, 2022, 10:54 am
GE Morton wrote: ↑November 24th, 2022, 1:43 pm
All analyses and laments along those lines beg the question: Why are there "social classes" in the first place? Of course parents from "advantaged" classes will confer advantages on their kids, some biologically and others instructionally. But you need to explain those initial advantages. No one can gain a "social" advantage unless they come into the world with some innate advantages. The alpha male in a wolf pack is not elected to that position, nor promoted into it by by some dominant caste or clique (and if there was such as class or clique, how did it become dominant?)
You are missing at least half the answer because you clearly WANT to miss it. It is not an "advantage" or a virtue that some folks are willing to take advantage of others, to take more than their fair share, to lie to people through religion and politics and try to trick them into submission, to discriminate based on race, sex, age, and such. Colonialism, slavery, Jim Crow, unfair lending, redlining, voter intimidation and suppression, anti-gay laws... There are way too many past and present injustices to list.
You're missing the point. You have to
have an advantage in order to successfully
take advantage. Of course people lie, try to trick others, and discriminate. Those moral failings are present in all populations and all "social classes." "The poor" lie to and cheat one another (and to "the rich") just as often, if not more so, than "the rich" lie to and cheat them.
That fact cannot account for why some are rich and some poor; that difference does not, and cannot, result from moral failings. Similarly for colonialism and slavery --- why were Europeans the colonizers of Africa and the Americas, instead of Africans and native Americans colonizing Europe?
Of course those practices are deplorable. But the point is that were such practices to miraculously disappear from human behavior you would still have inequality, still have rich and poor --- because the various innate traits that contribute to the production of wealth
are not equal.
In his "Theory of Justice" John Rawls wrote, "The natural distribution [of natural assets] is neither just nor unjust; nor it is unjust that persons are born into society at some particular position. These are just natural facts. What is just or unjust is the way institutions deal with these facts."
What Rawls fails to explain is why, if the natural distribution is neither just nor unjust, "institutions" must deal with it at all.
A huge chunk of the advantages people hold over others today is a direct result of these past injustices that you want to ignore.
That is false; indeed it is nonsense (which is not to deny that there have been past injustices, and that some today still benefit from them). Injustices, however, cannot create wealth. Some talents, imagination, ambition, and effort --- and sometimes good luck --- are required. Elon Musk emigrated from South Africa to Canada at age 17 (his mother was Canadian), and for a year worked on farms and in a lumber mill. He'd sold his first computer program, for $500, at age 12. At age 24, after graduating with degrees in physics and economics U. of Pennsylvania, he founded a software company he sold 4 years later to Compaq for >$300 million. No "injustices" were involved. Neither were there in the careers of Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, or most other billionaires. Bezos was the adopted son of a Cuban immigrant and a 17 year-old mother, who worked at McDonald's as a burger flipper while in high school, where he was valedictorian and a National Merit Scholar. He graduated from Princeton
summa cum laude with a BS in engineering. No "injustices" there, either.
Further, the rich folks holding that unfair advantage today have twisted the system even further to their advantage. For just one example, the wealthy rarely pay taxes.
Oh, they do pay taxes. The wealthiest 10% of taxpayers pay 71% of the income tax the federal government collects. They also pay 8 times as large a percentage of their incomes as the bottom 50% of taxpayers. They may not pay what lefties think they should pay, but that is because lefties hold a nonsensical notion of what they "owe." ... come-taxes