Sculptor1 wrote: ↑November 20th, 2022, 4:04 pmLuckyR wrote: ↑August 26th, 2022, 3:26 am If you mean that essentially no one supports infanticide, does this suprise you?There is a spectrum of acceptability and consideration in the issue of abortion. But people tend to set themselves at extremes as they feel that giving way at some point might undermine their argument.
There are three issues.
The desires of the father
The desires of the woman.
and the rights of the potential life.
The wants of the father were once the paramount issue. I submit that consideration to this should be given zero importance, since they are not the ones having to carry the foetus, nor ultimately have responsibility for the upbringing of any child that might result from the pregnancy. This position needs to be relegated to history, though sometimes, when male fundies are spouting one might think that theirs is the only valid opinion.
The second issue is about the needs and rights of women to enjoy their own bodily rights. I find it very hard to find arguments against this, though I would hope that for their own sake and the sake of the potential life within them that abortions are performed in a timely fashion to minimise distress.
The right to command her own body should extend from the moments before conception; the right to take precautions and the right to be free from rape right through to the right to abort any unwanted pregnancy. That choice needs to be hers and hers alone.
Upon what basis could this right be abused or infringed? It seems tragically ironic that those who would defend their rights to bear arms (machines of death) are often the fail to defend a women's right to her own body.
The circumstances of the impregnation is important..
Who amongst us here would condemn a rape victim to carry to full terms the brat of the rapist; to enforce her to carry inside herself the seed of the criminal that abused her?
Who amongst us nhere would condemn a women to carry a mutated monster; to carry on with a pregnancy that risks her own life; or the life of the foetus?
And yet who amongst us here would condone a flippant late stage abortion as a sort of lazy form of contraception?
So men have 0 say in anything and woman is next to God? I smell toxic femininity and it's skunk strong!
People abuse privileges and if we look at the types of people getting abortions it's largely African-American women and not just one they have several each
meaning they're using it kind of like a plan B on steroids clearly abusing technology merely for convenience sake to scrub away the unfortunate side effects of their lack of responsibility
Now of course the last ditch effort reason I always hear is the what about the rape victim
Of course that sucks however the baby did not rape her the baby has no knowledge whatsoever of what happened leading up to its existence therefore it is innocent and I'm not sure how killing somebody helps make up for the fact that the woman was raped? Is all it does is add a murder to the list it doesn't erase the unfortunate action of them being raped
And we have things available at every pharmacy called plan b and usually if a woman is raped and they go to the hospital they are offered one or they can go to Walgreens and pick one up but I digress
And is all banning abortion does is take away the woman's ability to kill her child for convenience sake it does not take away the doctor's ability to decide that an abortion is the best choice of action to save the mother if there's some strange complication so necessity based abortion by the doctor's discretion is still something that can happen the only thing on the table here is the woman's ability to make that decision which I don't think it should have ever become an option in the first place because we always abuse things for convenience sake this is no different and it does get abused more than it gets used properly