Reason for death
Why would a God create a world in which we die? Also why would evolution make our genes grow old when it can make them last indefinitely [like with some lobsters]. Nothing survives ultimately, and so the premise for evolutionary survival is purely in ignorance of that.
As we get older our relatives and friends die, this affects us massively. Perhaps it becomes too much over time and by amount, and if God could create either reincarnation or another world, then that would be some manner of solution. A refresh if you will.
Of course with reincarnation there would still ultimately be death e.g. when the world can no longer support life, or the sun goes red giant. We could inhabit other planets perhaps, but the universe itself will end or get cold and the atoms to spread to form things. Ergo, ultimately reincarnation is not a resolution to death.
If then, the God, universal spirit or what have you, desired us to not end terminally, another realm of existence is the only option – ultimately. There may be reincarnation too because the world could be a training tool, where we get to learn how to live. Given that the God created an eternal world, he could have placed us straight into that. However, we would be ignorant and foolish like children, unless he made us with in-built wisdom. If so then would we be ‘us’ when we have not developed our own personalities. Secondly I doubt if it is even the same – to have in built ‘wisdom’ and knowledge which we have not experienced and absorbed.
I hate to think how all of our deaths would affect God, but it is the lack of a 'happy ending' for us in our experience on earth, which makes our lives intolerable.