Sushan wrote: ↑October 23rd, 2022, 5:44 am
But in today's world it is not either simple or free.
If, for example, rice, wheat, or potatoes were free, people would quickly discover that it is cheaper to burn food to heat the house than coal or gas. So, at that point, we would not just eat these things as food, but also burn it to heat our houses. The farmers would almost surely not be able to grow enough of the stuff. So, there would be shortages.Hence, soon, there would not be enough food to eat.
Sushan wrote: ↑October 23rd, 2022, 5:44 am
So why should we keep these hierarchical structures instead of people just treating others equally and helping each other?
It takes more effort to become a brain surgeon than a McDonald's cashier. Why would anybody do the effort to figure out the intricacies of brain surgery, if he could make the same amount of money by flipping hamburgers? So, that would soon lead to a shortage of brain surgeons and a surplus of cashiers.
But then again, I actually like that kind of ridiculously utopian worlds, because they quickly become incredibly corrupt, and then people like myself always find new ways to exploit the mess in order to make heaps of money.
For example, nowadays you have two peso-to-dollar currency exchange rates in Argentina, the official one and then unofficial one. All you need to do, in order to make heaps of money, is to find ways to buy lots of dollars at the cheap official rate and then sell them at the much more expensive unofficial one. Lather, rinse, repeat. Before Venezuela completely imploded, it must also have been quite easy to make lots of money from their utopian bull.s.hit. All of the utopia nonsense does impoverish the general population, though. But then again, I don't care because it is exactly these people who were clamouring for that. So, let them have it!