Belinda wrote:The Belief Doctor, I read our page that begins with Zeno's paradoxes.
You say that these are paradoxical because they compare our quantification systems with the actual continuum of existence---this is the standard explanation which satisfies many people, and until I read your page satisfied me.
You go on to say :but the apparent-to us continuum of existence is not actual. What is actual is discrete jumps, or flickers on and off, of the quantum stuff which is nonlocal.
I write this, TBD, to check whether or not I have read you correctly. The second stage of the reasoning is new to me.
Well, what the article does is to take the facts, and suggest a theory to explain them.
Correct, physical space-time is discrete. It flickers on and off. I've not seen any evidence to suggest otherwise, but only a mountain of stuff supporting that it does.
Besides, there's some simple thought experiments that you can perform that pretty much kiboshes the idea of a space-time continuum that is perfectly continuous. See ... experiment.
Double besides, you start understanding what all those leading physicists were and are banging on a bout ... (e.g. Richard Feynman: "that space is continuous is, I believe, wrong. Because we get these infinities and other difficulties ...I rather suspect that the simple ideas of geometry extended down into infinitely small space is wrong." more here at ... rn-science )
The immense benefit of adopting such a world-view is that it fits the world we experience, including all those ornery quantum facts and observations.
And it encompasses religion, science, new-age, plus anything you can poke a stick at.
And the deeper nonlocal causes and explanation for emergent phenomena, and the differences between the sexes, and the behaviour of bosons and fermions (e.g. see ... hysics-sex
and ...
and ...
have fun.
btw, the particles in the stadium are (to observers) 'shaddow particles' and aren't "real" until a giant (one of us) sticks their big fat giant hand into the crowd, disrupting all that hand waving, and (usually) catching the one with his/her pants down (hands up).
But when we take our big fat hands (eyes, measuring equipment) out of the stadium "everyone" gets back to Mexican hand waving and having s jolly good time.
Well, actually, in this metaphor, "everyone" except the giant observer carries on with the waving, it's just the giant is a bit slow to catch all that side-ways fun and games.
btw, Superpositions is just everyone in the crowd and the ground on which they sit is deep reality that is continuous, unconscious, nonphysical, nonlocal, everywhere-at-once.
Thus the basic metaphor (The Theory of One and All -> is individual, discrete particles/people within collective-continuous-crowd, which on deeper levels is yet another discrete (gestalt) within yet a deeper "crowd".