Phil222 wrote: ↑October 13th, 2022, 6:50 pm
If the coin lands on its side and then decides to fall in either direction then probably god is testing your strengths and weaknesses. If you would make a good ruler and create heaven on earth would hell exist on earth? Accidents or natural disasters are unavoidable but can't drive one to fall on the side of hell unless one so chooses. Heaven on earth would identify that person as a martyr and make the wise decision to remember the actions that were brought about. One eye in the future body in the present and one eye in the future. Selfishness gives rise to bad thoughts when you could make someones day better or worse. Everybody is judging everybody all the time so make the right decision or don't to compromise your self and others preservation of mind to next. Heaven on earth is possible...its peace and the end of racism is the idea!!! Believe in eachother and heaven/enlightenment is in so many cultures and religions its real. Hell even robots can go to cybernetic heaven... why cant you actively and cociously plug yourself into a mainframe in future and become the creator... you wouldnt be hurting anybody but yourself through your actions and mind. You'd have to program a sleep mode or eternal rest button. Living forever isn't for everybody but peace is.
Leaving the concept of the central Lord, who is the ruler of the souls, breathing exercises (Pranayama), meditation upon the soul, self-realization etc., are only beating around the bush. Without the logical establishment of the concept of one God in all the religions, Universal Spirituality, one family of all the human beings, world peace etc., are only the illusory castles or the real castles built upon the ground without the foundation. All such aims will be either unreal or temporary realities only in practice. One may achieve the oneness of the human beings temporarily during the time of his preaching the audience. Such oneness is like the oneness of human beings achieved during the deep sleep of all the human beings for which, no trace of preaching is required.
When you ask all to love each other without hatred, it is impractical in the practical life of ordinary human beings. The preacher is a saint and has no interaction with society that can lead to anger and hatred. But I am an employee doing My duties sincerely without any trace of corruption. But, several ignorant people are angry with Me for not favoring them and become My enemies in spite of My several appeals. It is easy to preach the Universal Brotherhood for a saint, but it is impossible to practice it for an ordinary employee in the world. What is the solution for this? The only solution is to attack this issue at the level of intelligence by analysis and there is no use of attempting at the level of mind with love and appeal. The intelligence (Buddhi) is the driver of the body (Vehicle) and leads the soul (Owner).
You have to guide the driver and not the inert vehicle or the incapable owner. If you can establish the concept of one God in all religions and convince all the drivers of the human bodies, the unity and peace is sure to come forever. You can realize this point with the help of a small example. You take a group of devotees having the common form of God like Krishna or Jesus. All of them get strongly united and all of them fear to harm any other devotee because their common God will punish them for the sin. A Christian will fear deeply to harm another Christian but will not care so much to harm a follower of other religion.
The reason is that in harming another Christian, he is sure of the punishment from Jesus. But, when he harms a person of other religion, he does not fear so much since he has no faith in that form of God of other religion. He believes only Jesus as the only absolute God. Laden tried to kill Christians and Hindus in America because, he believes in Allah only as the God. For this basic reason only he never attempted to kill people in any Muslim country. I am not referring to anyone particularly. This is a common disease of all the ignorant people present in any religion. Suppose Laden believed in the Universal Spirituality and realized that Jesus and Krishna are also other forms of the same Allah, will he do such crime to the people of other religions? This question applies not only to Laden but also applies to all fanatic Ladens present in all religions.
Some preachers want to bring world peace by expressing love through embracing devotees similar to the embracing of people on holy festival. Any one can do such things and the problems opposing Universal Spirituality are not so simple since they are at the deep intellectual level. Some preachers ask the devotees to close the eyes and slowly give some statements so that they can get rid off the strenuous thoughts. All these are psychological treatments of medical science and have no divinity. The feeling of God and love to Him is the most powerful healer of all the stress and also will solve the causes of problems in the world. People say that they should ask God only for anything, since there is no alternative for them. This is a sugar-coated mischief. If you have so much love and respect to God, why are you not following the instructions given by God and avoid the sins? Even if the atmosphere drags you, you must control yourself at the end.
Krishna promised that He would not use any weapon in the war. But, when Bhishma wounded Him, He took His chakra and ran to kill Bhishma. This shows the effect of the practical situation but finally Krishna controlled Himself and returned back. Similarly, Jesus was ready for the arrest but His body started shaking and He prayed God to stop the arrest if possible. This shows the effect of the practical situation. But finally He controlled Himself and told God to do as per His will only. Hanuman tore His heart with His own nails to show Rama. This shows the absence of any disturbance in practical implementation. Either you should resist the effect of practical situation in the beginning itself like Hanuman or resist its effect atleast after sometime like Krishna and Jesus. This is the message of these three incidents
. Either the firm determination without any disturbance or atleast the firm determination after some disturbance should come either in Pravrutti or Nivrutti. If the determination is defeated by disturbance as in the case of Arjuna, who wanted to withdraw from the war, only the complete analysis of spiritual knowledge (the Gita) can give the firm determination and no other method like breathing exercise or embracing Arjuna or singing songs can remove the ignorance that is covering the intelligence.