In order to generate new, complex, functioning, coded biological information, the information generation system, and/or the filtering or search process must be teleological."
Once again, I find Meleagar's reasoning fraught with errors, and with a perhaps intentional misrepresentation of the nature of science.
Sure, one could easily agree with his statement above that natural selection is a NOT a sufficient search algorithm for successful novel, functioning, integerated biological information. But then again, no evolutionist has ever claimed that it is. You see, his statement is so filled with undefined terms that it is meaningless. "search algorithm" "novel, functioning, integrative biological information" - what are either of those things? What, for that matter, is "information", and how does Meleagar propose that "information" should be measured?
Any random process (which evolution is assuredly not!) will, after a certain amount of time, yield some result X. Now since the process is random, there is no teleological goal coded into the process, and yet, it did arrive at X! What are the chances of that happening again, given the random process?
But as I said, evolution is not a random process. It always has as its goal the survival and reproduction of the species (or of the individual, or the gene, depending on your theoretical bent). It culls the less fit, and allows the (slightly) more fit to prosper.
And we now understand many of the mechanisms which allow evolutionary change - both on the small scale of what used to be called microevolution, and on the grander scale of what used to be called macroevolution. We now know, too, the role that very minor changes in hox (homeobox) genes can have in causing major changes in body plan of developing organisms - whole new body segments, new limbs, etc.
The fact of evolution is one of the most, if not the most, strongly established facts in all of science. And the mechanisms - the theory of evolution as opposed to the fact of evolution - is becoming better understood with each passing year.
I'll make the same offer here I have in a dozen other Internet Forums: Pick any specific claim of evolution - that is, something like the evolution of whales, of snakes, of amphibians from fish, of reptiles from amphibians, of mammals from reptiles, of birds from their reptilian ancestors, of giraffes, of canids - and let's go throuigh the evidence bit by bit. Show me where my interpretation of the evidence is wrong - and what better interpretations might be offered. Not vague generalities, but specifics - specific fossils, specific lineages, specific proposals of sister taxa.
I've never had a Creationist or ID proponent take me up on this offer. I'm at a loss to explain why that should be so.