LuckyR wrote: ↑October 14th, 2022, 3:31 am
heracleitos wrote: ↑October 14th, 2022, 1:38 am
Ddrezner wrote: ↑October 13th, 2022, 11:05 pm
A while ago a branch of feminism insisted that women needed to leave the home and get 'real' jobs, even if they enjoyed watching their children grow into little people. The result- the Supermom- a person expected to both be a great mother and a superior worker in the normal workplace-
I'm not sure how they found time for either husband or for their own personal pursuits, but the feminists kind of waved that aside. This generation did try that, and the result was latchkey children with inferior emotional intelligence, and an inferior set of people to take over from their parents.
Women with a degree and/or a job, or who are still single in their early twenties, signal very loudly to men that they are not wife material. These women won't have time for that anyway.
Is that a problem?
No, because outside the West there's an entire planet of girls who are wife material. Geomaxxing also spares a man from dangerous western divorce laws.
The women that are not wife material are best off in hookup culture, where they can share the same, handsome Chad, in their capacity of occasional, "situationship"-based side chick along with 20+ other women for the same Chad.
Chad also likes it because these women pay for themselves and don't cost him a dime.
These women won't have to find time for a husband or children because they won't have any of that anyway. In the end, that is clearly what works best for everyone.
A simple theory that doesn't match up with what Real people actually do.
Well, I simply rewrote in my own words what
"conservative" television anchor Tomi Lahren (Fox News) has said in her "Public Service Announcement (PSA) for Boyish Men":
Tomi Lahren on "Boyish men" wrote:
PSA for Boyish Men (long video rant)
The experience of women who range in age from 24 to 36. We all got issues. All of my friends are attractive. All of my friends are successful. Almost every single one of them have an issue with men ... bla bla ... IT IS MEN'S FAULT !!! ... bla bla ... "It might not be us. It might be you. It might be men!" ... The pussification of America: Men are no longer men! They are trash all over this country. ... bla bla ... A lot of men are trash! I have had it all happen to me!
First question: Are you single?
I mean, not "single seeing 5 people" ...
Are you actually "single single"?
Second thing: Don't text instead of seeing the girl in person ...
Third: Make a plan! (Don't just suddenly ask to see me for 20 minutes at 1 a.m. because you want sex.)
bla ... bla ... I am not a feminist! I love men! ... bla ... bla ...
Fourth: Value value!
Please, do not mix in girls, like me, who have something going on with other girls that have nothing going on. If you want to mix in people like me or my friends who are go-getters, who work really hard, who make their own money, who are talented, skilled, ambitious, please don't mix us in with the Thotianas.
Quite frankly, we take it as an insult, if we find out that you are also "talking" to five Thotianas who have nothing going on. People like me and my friends are going to be insulting by that, and there is almost really no coming back from it.
So, if you want that kind of girl, who is just happy going through the motions of life, not really super-ambitious, hasn't really found herself yet, doesn't really have a whole lot going on, other than she is pretty, please, just go after them. Please, do not mix us in. We dont want to be there, I promise you.
So, "value value" !
There's a lot of women out there that I know that are my good friends who have amazing jobs, who work really hard, but who can't seem to find a decent guy, even if the go up in age 5, 10, 15 years, because those guys all want to be with 21 year olds who have nothing going on.
... bla bla ...
Tomi finally seems to understand what a man actually values:
- youth
- beauty
- chastity (i.e. low body count, or preferably, no body count)
Men do not value Tomi's take on female value, and never will. What's more, Tomi's masculine rant won't turn anybody on. It won't give any man an erection. Seriously, in what world would a man want to come home to a woman like her?
Tomi is an ambitious go-getter. Good for her!
However, Tomi has to understand that the Chad that she is trying to haul in, is not just "talking" with 5 Thotianas -- there is much more nudity involved than that -- and it is not just 5 of them.
Furthermore, the reason why Chad is keeps having sex with the Thotianas is not because he would seek to insult Tomi. No, that is really not what it is about. We know that women only like men that other women also like. So, in order to get more Thotianas, Chad has to keep collecting them. The more that Chad shows up with a new stunning Thotiana, the more that the other Thotianas who see this, also want to sleep with him. Hence, Chad is simply keeping the snowball effect going.
You see, Tomi is not ugly. She undoubtedly makes for good-quality bedroom fun (if she can keep that big mouth of her shut for the time that it takes). However, what man wants to get to hear things like Tomi's PSA on a daily basis?
By the way, Tomi Lahren is a "real person". Her friends in the same situation that she keeps talking about, are almost surely not imaginary either.