Philosophy Discussion Forums | A Humans-Only Philosophy Club

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Use this forum to discuss the philosophy of science. Philosophy of science deals with the assumptions, foundations, and implications of science.
By Paradigmer
The UVS worldview[w] explicated in the discipline of metaphysical naturalism[w], is a collective generalization of the cosmos that is postulated to be intrinsically manifested in a nested vortical hypersphere[uvs] system.

Remark: This is the worldview of a non-standard cosmology developed with the methodology of its visual grounded theory[uvs].

With the collective syntheses of the UVS hypotheses for augmenting as a theory of everything, it is a perspectivism developed systematically with the UVS research[uvs] in its nested positive feedback loop[uvs].

From the UVS perspective, the evolution of the cosmos from cosmic levels to subatomic levels is inversely evolved from an underlying aetheric entity with its resonated vortical motion. This thus begets all physical structures of the cosmos in the paradigm of universal vortical singularity[uvs].

In the UVS worldview, the structure of the observable universe[uvs] with all its objects, is intrinsically formed in a nested manner of the nested cosmic hypersphere[uvs] with its vortically transformed torus structures.

This worldview could be invoked in the visual inductive resolutions of the UVS research[uvs] for explicating with the UVS model[uvs] to elucidate how an aetheric cosmic vortical archetype in absolute space and time, is subliminally underlying and interacting with everything in the observable universe.

The vortical motion of an all-pervasive aetheric medium in a nested hyperspherical encapsulation, thus manifests all forms of discrete matter to inversely emerge, exist, coalesce, transform, and evolve.
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By Tom Butler
Paradigmer wrote: July 24th, 2022, 10:45 pm From the UVS perspective, the evolution of the cosmos from cosmic levels to subatomic levels is inversely evolved from an underlying aetheric entity with its resonated vortical motion.
Try this thought exercise. I begin by setting up a nested hierarchy of life fields:

Reality consists of life fields and the expressions of life fields. Relative to the objective nature of the physical, reality is etheric in which thought is concerned with concepts. Sometimes, those concepts manifest physical things.

A life field consists of three basic functional areas: a core intelligence (Observer, unconscious), a roving perspective of self-awareness (Experiencer, conscious) and a decision-making complex of functions (Judge, mostly unconscious).

In this model, life fields are treated as fractals with the Observer functional area of the life field functioning as the attractor.

Life field expressions are initiated by the Judge in response to environmental stimuli and are based on worldview. There is a feedback link from expression-to-perception of expression as a modified environmental signal. For an incarnate life field, environmental signals may be from the biological organism's five senses (physical-to-etheric) or from other life forms (etheric-to-etheric).

Changes in reality are expressed via the life field's attention on an imagined outcome with the intention to make it so. For instance, when a person imagines what it would be like to own that new sports car passing by, the person imagines a little me driving the car. The imagined little me is an aspect of the person.

To allow the person to gain understanding from driving the imagined sports car, the little me has a degree of free will that is bound by a subset of the person's worldview. Once formed, the little me aspect of the person is persistent. In this model, it is expected that a person will eventually produce many little me aspects. The person's learning comes through modification of worldview based on feedback from little me.

In effect, little me is "in" its source personality's life field (etheric). Think of all little mes from a common source as a collective. In the nested hierarchical model, the collectives are the nest. Presumably, the "creator" of little me is, itself, part of a collective and so on "upward" until one reaches A primary source.

In effect, the primary sources life field is the reality field for all of its aspects and subsequent collectives. All share a subset of the primary source's worldview. Aspect life fields return acquired understanding as a many-to-one "upward" feedback.

That is the basic model. Inspiration of the model comes in part from Rupert Sheldrake's Hypothesis of Formative Causation. One consequence of that hypothesis is that a biological organism is organized according to a morphogenic mind Sheldrake referred to as "Nature's Habit. Since it organizes all instances of the same species, it seems best modeled as an etheric field. (This has not been experimentally well established, but there is hope.)

In view of this model, the various parts of an organism are arranged as an etheric nested hierarchy.

An interesting example of a nested hierarchy involving fractals is the Mandelbrot Set. I have tried to us it as an example of navigation in imaginary space. Note that the Top fractal (apple man) can be seen as the reality field for an apparently infinite number of subsequent fractals arranged in a sort of nested hierarchy. Navigation is accomplished by changing original assumptions.

All of this is to say that I think the nested hierarch is one of the very basic organizing principles of reality. Think in terms of concepts and functional areas.
By Paradigmer
Tom Butler wrote: July 25th, 2022, 7:41 pm All of this is to say that I think the nested hierarch is one of the very basic organizing principles of reality. Think in terms of concepts and functional areas.
I totally agreed with this.

BTW, I admire the TED talk by Rupert Sheldrake on "The Science Delusion", and I also very much agreed with him.

As a matter of fact, I have a webpage on "The paradoxical effect of the cosmos" that illustrate how an underlying cosmic mechanism is misleading us all, which I believe is one of the main factors causing the science delusion.

Appreciate the sharing of your insights, and "reality is etheric in which thought is concerned with concepts" does make sense. Many renowned philosophers and great thinkers also advocate this idea of reality.

The UVS worldview is more focused in the ontology of the physical structures of the cosmos.

I hope this UVS worldview makes sense to you.
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By Tom Butler
Paradigmer wrote: July 26th, 2022, 9:31 am I hope this UVS worldview makes sense to you.
What I have read of it makes sense. I commend you for making an effort to develop such a comprehensive cosmology.

I do have a little trouble following your text because, even though I have a substantial vocabulary and I recognize each word, it is necessary for me to deconstruct a little to figure out your point.

I suppose my writing has similar problems for my readers. It probably has a lot to do with talking "inside baseball." If the reader is not steeped in what is known about things paranormal, it is probably necessary for them to study. Most readers are not likely to do so.

A lot of my writing is focused on simplifying my point. Next, I might try a four-color comic book format. :-)
By Paradigmer
Tom Butler wrote: July 25th, 2022, 7:41 pm Relative to the objective nature of the physical, reality is etheric in which thought is concerned with concepts. Sometimes, those concepts manifest physical things.
I agreed with higher level concepts could manifest physical things.

I had previously spent some lucid moments out of the box to contemplate on such a notion as what you mentioned above, and present these thoughts as "The conceptualized framework of nature".

And from this basis, established the transcendental perspectivism on 'The conceptual framework of UVS' for developing the UVS treatise as a theory of everything for its postulated cosmology.
By Paradigmer
In the UVS worldview, the underlying mechanism of nature that forms the physicality of the cosmos is the vortical motion of a nested aetheric vortical hypersphere.

It postulates the nested vortical hypersphere structure of the cosmos is vortically formed in an outside-in manner, and its manifested matter are then vortically evolved and coalesced in its inside-out manner, which form all the celestial objects throughout the macrocosms and the microcosms in its nested aetheric structures.
By Paradigmer
Tom Butler wrote: July 26th, 2022, 1:08 pm I commend you for making an effort to develop such a comprehensive cosmology.
Appreciate your affirmation.

Hypothetically, the vortical system of the cosmos in its nested vortical hypersphere, forms the standing waves[w] of the nested unisonal vortices[uvs] from the macrocosms to the microcosms in an aether vortical motion[uvs].

This mechanism vortically quantizes matters in the cosmos to particulate in the variants of a nested hyperspherical encapsulation of toroidal vortices, and then vortically coalesce them as discrete structures that are vortically transformed and formed at all scale levels[uvs].
By Alan Masterman
"The UVS worldview[w] explicated in the discipline of metaphysical naturalism[w], is a collective generalization of the cosmos that is postulated to be intrinsically manifested in a nested vortical hypersphere[uvs] system."

Your analysis appears to overlook the potential significance of a generalised relativistic vortex which may be entailed by a Riemannian hyperspherical cosmological nesting. Have you considered this possibility?
By Paradigmer
Alan Masterman wrote: August 14th, 2022, 9:41 am "The UVS worldview[w] explicated in the discipline of metaphysical naturalism[w], is a collective generalization of the cosmos that is postulated to be intrinsically manifested in a nested vortical hypersphere[uvs] system."

Your analysis appears to overlook the potential significance of a generalised relativistic vortex which may be entailed by a Riemannian hyperspherical cosmological nesting. Have you considered this possibility?
The Riemannian posit of curved space is one of the possible paradigms to postulate the nature of a nested hyperspherical cosmos.

I did consider that, but for these reasons I believed it is incorrect:
"Critical analysis of the scientific method on its intrinsic flaws".

A "Riemannian hyperspherical cosmological nesting" at best could be mathematically valid and even "proven", but it would fail under the law of non-contradiction.
By Paradigmer
Tom Butler wrote: July 26th, 2022, 1:08 pm
Paradigmer wrote: July 26th, 2022, 9:31 am I hope this UVS worldview makes sense to you.
What I have read of it makes sense. I commend you for making an effort to develop such a comprehensive cosmology.

I do have a little trouble following your text because, even though I have a substantial vocabulary and I recognize each word, it is necessary for me to deconstruct a little to figure out your point.

I suppose my writing has similar problems for my readers. It probably has a lot to do with talking "inside baseball." If the reader is not steeped in what is known about things paranormal, it is probably necessary for them to study. Most readers are not likely to do so.

A lot of my writing is focused on simplifying my point. Next, I might try a four-color comic book format. :-)
It is condensed writing and requires background knowledge to begin with.

A philosopher told me it took him as much as one whole day to just read one paragraph. He told me scrutinized every word and searched very deep down into every terminology used in order to correctly grasp the context.

A fast speed reader, who could read one thick book in a day, told me he took six months to read and reread the UVS treaties from different angles to better digest its content.

Probably much like your work, most readers indeed are not likely to study what they read.

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