Belinda wrote:
Meleagar also wrote in the same post
It is really not even understood why the macro world follows the consistent, reliable patterns that it does, considering that cause and effect breaks down at the quantum level.
True for all metaphysical systems which are ultimately faith-based. Your main observation shows how metaphysics goes beyond science into pure speculation and perhaps into faith. Your moderating clause does not follow from your main observation. I'd have as a moderating clause
'considering that human intelligence is limited to a few innate abilities and learning through our veil of our senses.'
First of all, Meleager is in no position to assert that "it is not really understood ..." as that would requires knowledge of what everyone understands and intuitively knows.
Secondly, if we start with the assumption of knowledge (the means by which one gains intuitive insights), then we learn how infinite potentials 'collapse' into lived, finite experience. Fractals are one of the latticeworks by which this occurrs - as explained in some detail in my book Be and Become, fractals are a visible interface between the infinite and the finite.
Finally, all the key theorem of physics and mathematics (to wit, Godel's Incompleteness, Turing's Uncomputability, Heisenberg's Uncertainty, and Chaitin's Randomness Theorems) point to the ultimately irreducible (non-deterministic) nature of deep reality. Thus, in a sense, all of life, including all the hardest of facts 'unfold' from a fluid, superposition of states (which in turn arise from unlimited fields of potential and intent).
In other words, desire, intent, faith, expectation are the driving forces for all of experienced reality. (quick test: is there anything that you can do, without first desiring it to occur)? Rhetorical question.
As for science finding deterministic causes for things ... that's been well and truly put to rest, following Alain Aspect's experimental confirmation of Bell's Theorem, "The most profound discovery of science".
As physicist Nick Herbert explains "Whatever reality may be, it must be non-local. Since (Clauser’s) experimental verification of Bell’s theorem, we know that any correct model of reality has to incorporate explicit non-local connections. No local reality can explain the type of world we live in."
And recent work by others has confirmed that nonlocal 'hidden variables' won't cut it either.
Meta-physicality (as in the literal meaning of 'meta' and 'physicality') is the deeper ground of physical reality.
Well, at least until some breaks the Uncertainty principle, and Godel's Theorem, and ...
As Prof. Richard Conn Henry concludes (see the Belief Institute website article 'A clearer light), "The universe is entirely mental... Physics cannot help anyone from this point onwards. You may, if you wish, descend into solipsism (but do be careful not to blush); or, you can expand to the Deism of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Adams and Thomas Jefferson and the other non-Christian founders of America; or … something else, if you can justify it—just don’t ask physics for help!"
Thus, the next and ultimate fronteer is metaphysics.