Meleagar wrote:Thank you Meleagar for the acknowledgement (re the website).
Who would I be to label their position as "immature"? All that does in my experience is set myself up as "more mature" and creates a gap between me and them. I don't wish to see myself as better or more mature or more spiritual or more intelligent than anyone else, because I don't enjoy seeing other people as "less" than me, nor do I enjoy seeing them as "wrong" (and thus in need of my correction) or "ignorant" (and thus in need of my wisdom), etc. That generates personal interactions I don't find to be enjoyable.
I appreciate the provocation of thought. Your site is really a very enjoyable read with a great wealth of resources. Thanks for directing me there.
However, as to the maturity question, this was not to imply superiority over others, merely the recognition that various stages of development are inherent to life.
For example, if you have children, or were to have children, would you allow them to drive your car, or fly a plane, unaided, say at 4 years old? Presumably not.
Perhaps then instead of 'maturity' call it "phases of development" or phases of capability, or simply phases.
But the question still stands, if I were an alien looking down at our race, what 'label' might best approximate our present phase of development?
Yes, there are variations within groups, communities, nations, and the global dynamic, but that alien might conclude that as a global culture, we're at _______________phase of development.
What is that phase?