reflected_light wrote:So Mel, are you saying that you are the only one who actually exists?
That 'all this' is a product of your creation?
While your question is addressed to Mel, allow me to offer some perspectives.
Meleagar has, I believe, offered some quite valid ideas regarding how we all work the irreducible paradox of life.
In regards to control and creation. For those who have enjoyed a sexual orgasm or two, note that the enjoyment stems from not controlling, from letting go. Nonetheless we are still responsible for its creation. i.e. we are still creating our circumstances (in this case the orgasm) by straddling both conscious-control and unconscious mechanisms and dynamics. And that is the process of creativity, and of life. And there are no exceptions to that process.
As for being the only person. Consider one's role within a community - specifically the paradox of individuality within the 'oneness' of community. We each co-create the identity and character of the community in which we live, while retaining individuality. Yet the community has its own individuality. We create it, yet do not 'control' others who also co-create it.
But I expect Meleagar will explain the above with more style and effect.
Good wishes,
Steaphen Pirie
Belief Institute