Joshua10 wrote: ↑June 27th, 2022, 4:27 am
Sorry password issues now Jacob10 now Joshua10.
As all things would come from God it is impossible to garner belief or unbelief yourself, I do agree with that.
You only hope that you have discredited Pascal’s wager and the sensible claims about magnetism because you can’t definitively prove otherwise.
When will you realise that all you have ….all any one has is a hope in something.
Do you not know sound philosophy?
Nobody can prove that god exists or doesn’t exist.They can provide as much evidence as they want but that isn’t definitive proof.
Secular science and philosophy, in its mind, has cancelled out all reasonings for the existence of anything.
It hasn’t cancelled out the 4 magnetic force interactions though of NN NS SN SS.According to secular science and philosophy these interactions should be identical.They are not as we all know and so their science and philosophy has totally failed.
Electromagnetic systems are what make the universe and the brain work not gravity systems.We all know that surely.
Gravity is an illusionary force that secular science invented after it mistakenly thought it had cancelled out all reasonings for the existence of everything.Secular scientists still don’t know what gravity is and they invented it…..Ask them.