Jacob10 wrote: ↑June 21st, 2022, 2:29 am
Sy Borg wrote: ↑June 21st, 2022, 12:00 am
Astro Cat wrote: ↑June 20th, 2022, 11:06 pm
For the record I took two semesters of E&M as an undergrad and then again (two more semesters) at the graduate level.
E&M is considered classically solved, and has been for a long time. The amount that physicists know about electromagnetism exceeds what even I know by far (as I am not a solid state physicist or the like, I was able to stop there). So it's absurd to me when people try to mystify something as well-known as E&M.
Maybe someone Jacob knows has spoken to someone who has heard of these ideas, added 2 and 2 and came away with 22? https://www.quantamagazine.org/the-hidd ... -20200702/
Ultimately, Jacob wants to give the impression that scientists are fools who have no idea what they are talking about. If that is so, then their proofs that undermine Biblical claims can be ignored. Theists have been trying to undermine science for centuries, and always for the same reason - because science sees them just go to sleep (maybe with some fabulous near-death dreams) when they die while religion says that he, and everyone he loved who died, never really die.
Well anyone who claims there is no God without definitive proof is a fool wouldn’t you think?…..and don’t say science has definitive proof because that just brings out the yawns….
Scientists claim all matter came from and will exit into single points (hole) and yet all matter is entering and exiting many many holes all the time and this has been definitively confirmed by observation.This is precisely why their flagship theories are floundering on the rocks and they know it but are too arrogant to admit it.
You can’t take these secular scientists seriously.
As I have already said…if you let secularist loose with science then it will all go “belly up” and it has.
You keep listening to these fools if you want.
Thanks for demonstrating my point, Jacob. I like how you added spice with neurotically hostile ad hominems directed towards the scientifically literate. Insulting them harms your credibility, not theirs.
Logically, what is more credible:
1. A book written by anonymous authors, who believed that the Earth was flat and that bacterial disease was demonic possession?
2. A body of knowledge built up over millennia, being continually refined and improved with ever greater rigour?