Jester Gren wrote: A chain is not necessarily a bad thing, it is what keeps us on this Earth, able to understand each other's arguments, we must understand that a chain is useful if only connected to something.I think that "chains" is too perjorative of a word to use, so I'd like to rescind that. In a more positive light, truths are like the plot in a story, and each person is writing a story; the story is empowered and driven by these "truths"; they offer motivation and characterization.
I also think there's a lot of confusion about what I mean by "truth", even though I explained it in an earlier post (I think in this thread). I'm not talking about lying to oneself or others; I'm talking about "truths" in the sense of believing in things that are beyond one's experience as being true, such as larger models that "explain" one's experence.
The difference between me and some others isn't that I can tell myself that my car is a toaster; that would be lying. I can, however, choose to hold the provisional opinion that my car is infused with a friendly, protective spirit that looks out for me. I don't know that to be true, just as I don't know the converse to be true; but I can apply that provisional opinion if I wish because it motivates me in certain ways just as the "truths" of others motivates them.
I can use this "provisional opinon" (since James considers my use of the term "belief" misleading, since I don't hold such views as necessarily true) to motivate me to keep the car clean and well serviced (like a pet). I find such a storyline more interesting to be involved in; others may disagree.
However, if any of my "provisional opinions" are directly contraindicated by direct experience, then I dismiss the opinion and generate another in line with actual experience. All of my provisional opinions must never contradict my actual experience.
However, the fine point is in discerning the difference between what one is actually experiencing, and a whole host of subtle, deeply-woven, taken-for-granted beliefs about what one is experiencing. The truths I'm talking about write their own story; the actors and events are driven to inexorable conclusions based on the truths involved.
I'd rather be able to write my own story - invent my own motivations and plotline. Yes, it makes the story less inetensely experienced to a large degree, but that suits my nature. I enjoy holding the provisional opinion that my car contains an extradimensional spirit that is dedicated to my protection. It makes washing and vacuuming my car a very fun and amusing experience.
Abacab wrote:Meleagar said the truth has only imprisoned him. He must learn not to say YOU when he means HE, its bad grammer.You are taking my actual statements out of context to make it appear as if I advocate lying - to others, or oneself. What I have actually said is:
Meleagar wrote:Systems and models of truth, IMO, shut down or prevent free will. The truth doesn't set you free, IMO, it chains you to it as long as you believe it to be true."The truth" refers to systems and models believed in as true that attempt to explain what one experiences. A lot of people believe that fundamentlist, radical Islam is true; they believe it so much they're willing to blow themselves up and kill bystanders. Does that believed-in Truth liberate? How about racist beliefs that many hold as truths? How about sexist, homophobic truths, and political truths?
These believed in truths are most often not correlations to experience, but are rather models that lie entirely outside of ones experience. These "truths", IMO, do not set anyone free at all; they direct and confine behavior towards the ends that these beliefs dictate.
In order to escape these systemic truths and the ends they drive one to, one must be willing to dislodge the belief that they are true. That's all I have done; I've dislodged the notion that any such system or models are "true"; thus, I am not directed toward their necessary consequences. I hold all such perspectives provisionally and only as long as they benefit my experience and do not contradict anything I actually experience.