Sy Borg wrote: ↑April 19th, 2022, 8:41 pm
Gregory, you can't have it both ways. Either Russia is a communist state that represents what you believe to be the takeover of the world by feminine forces of the left, or Russia is a communist state whose authoritarianism and reactionary approach perfectly illustrates how the extreme left and the extreme right are basically the same authoritarians with superficially different reasoning. It also suggests that Communism is no longer left-wing as per American definitions, being socially controlling rather than liberal, and having strong capitalist elements that are opposite to Marx's ideas.
No I can't have it both ways. So you are right with what you are saying. But, and it is that what I've said has been lost to my poor wordskills. So, to clarify: Marxism was soft and so, on the left. Lenin and his Bolsheviks on the other hand were hard, their silencing of the Mensheviks and getting rid of Kerensky's Provisional government evidence of that.
The comparison with feminism is that communism used the plight of the workers as a cause, and likewise feminists use the plight of women as a cause. Communists were academic types, rather than workers. Feminists are academic types, no disgruntled housewives among them.
Lenin had not as much as an inkling revolution was about to happen, when it did. Feminism too has not an inkling that within ten years it will be in control of most of the world. Unlike the Bolsheviks, prominent feminists are not anywhere close to power and never will be. There may be politically prominent women who are feminists, but not the other way round. No prominent feminists who are in politics.
Note that there are no philosophical manifestos advocating the creation of oligarchic capitalist states that echo the arrangements of royalty and feudal lords. The reason? Because it happens naturally, if left unchecked by neglectful governments. That tendency for all societies to develop strict class differences between haves and have-nots with very little middle class is the entire reason for political philosophy - to find ways of avoiding oligarchic authoritarianism. Now it seems 70 million Americans want that very nightmare for themselves, although they won't realise that authoritarianism is a nightmare until it's too late. All they will find is that the middle class will diminish even faster than it is.
It is human nature to want a figurehead a king or a queen to look up to. Politicians can't fill this role as they need to be inherently dishonest to get into and then remain in government. The tendency for society to stratify into three different social layers is a natural outcome of there being a working class, a middle class and a Business Class. Workers and business classes subject to the survival of the fittest mechanism are more conservative. The British Labour party was once more conservative in its outlook for example (the along came Harold 'Bloody' Wilson). That's right, Alf Garnett, you will remember was a conservative.