Good_Egg wrote: ↑April 12th, 2022, 2:07 pm
Sy Borg wrote: ↑April 12th, 2022, 5:38 am
to make sure we are all on the same page, Australia, England, Germany have effective national health schemes and none of these nations are even remotely communist.
We are indeed all on the same page on this point.
The point was that, of the various ways to run a national health system, leftists tend to favour the more centralised options.
I don't see much point of talking about "leftists", given that there are only a handful of left wing nations, most of which are in Scandinavia, and now they are under threat from Mother Russia.
China and Russia are not actually Communist societies, they are extreme right wing capitalist authoritarian states, and working towards totalitarianism. NK, of course, is already a totalitarian state. Totalitarianism transcends left/right divide, being based on a cult of personality and a single man's desires, be it Kim, Xi, Putin or others who admire and hope to emulate their power.
The left looks dead to me, its corpse twitching with a few trivial PC complaints from some young idealists from the far left, who are soon to be silenced. The political centre is also in deep trouble, being kept alive by a cowed minority who see pragmatism in politics as more effective than ideology. I suspect they will also be silenced.
We have seen all this before, in the 1940s. Centrists and lefties had best enjoy their free speech now because their opinions will soon incur painful costs. Ideologists are taking over and we know that every single time a an extreme ideologue takes control of a nation, that society becomes weaker, dumber and sadder until the system collapses under its own hubris. They always look good at first - getting things done and appearing dynamic - but then the consequences of their ill-conceived polices take hold and there is a spiral downward.