Nick_A wrote: ↑April 3rd, 2022, 1:50 pm
For example I'm interested in the essence of religion since it answers my basic questions: What is the purpose of our universe and Man's purpose within it? Of course the negativity of philosophy forums do not allow such discussion. Yet does it have to be that way?
Consider this basic question to be discussed on Zoom for upcoming American Weil Society colloquy. When we understand what prevents it on philosophy forums, we have a greater understanding of the fallen human condition. No grades here. These young scholars are invited to reason. But who remembers how to discuss without negative argument?
"Rethinking Theology" is a group of young scholars working on
the role theology plays and can play in the crises and aporias
of the twenty-first century asking what ultimately matters. In
this panel each of the five members of "Rethinking Theology"
will give a brief summary of how their investigation into the
present state and future possibilities of theology can draw on
Simone Weil. The panel is envisaged as a virtual roundtable
which will include issues like: how Weil’s concept of
decreation speaks to the growing confluence of climate
denialism and Christian white nationalism; how Weil’s
analysis of force illuminates contemporary research in
sociology and political science; Weil’s understanding of
beauty and prayer and their relationship to negative
aesthetic circumstances and feelings; Weil’s reception and
re-application of biblical imaginaries against the backdrop of
fundamentalist biblicism; and eusymbiotic practices in times
of the pandemic and the loss of solidarity. In striving for a
politically sensitive theology, "Rethinking Theology" is
committed to transcending the political thinker/religious
thinker divide in Weil scholarship - not only to do justice to
Weil, but also heading for a theology that is accountable to
the political implications it always bears.
I do think a lot about religion and always have done, probably because I was raised in an extremely religious environment. When I began university, I used to go to Christian Union. The biggest problem which I discovered over time was how so many people were fundamentalist, even though I had not come across the term. I found that they were often opposed to other perspectives, including Buddhism. I came across many who were opposed to writers like Carl Jung. I am more interested in the esoteric approaches to religion, including the ideas of theosophy and writers like Rudolf Steiner.
When working in mental health care the dynamics of religion were complex. In my training a tutor said that people should never discuss religion or politics with patients. The trouble which I found, was that was what the patients wanted to talk about so often. The conclusion which I came to was that the best approach was to discuss aspects of religion, mainly through active listening, but avoid self disclosure. In a way, this easier for me because I didn't have really fixed views, whereas there were so many staff, mainly nurses rather than doctors, who did self disclose and read Bibles in the corridor during the night. I also had many who tried to tell me what to believe based on literalist interpretations. There were some Muslim staff as well, but generally they were less forceful in their ideas.
As far as forums go, I feel that there is more openness towards people ot all opinions on this site, whereas on the other the atheists can be extremely dogmatic. I was rather upset when a person who I was interacting with on that site got banned. The moderators gave their reasons but did not seem to have taken into account the way in which he had been insulted by people many times. I do still use the site, but have been writing on this one more often recently. One person there, tells me that I am a 'psychonaut' with my emphasis on inner reality, although the term does make me laugh.
So, my own approach is to listen to all approaches sensitively, a bit like in working with patients. Philosophy involves the consideration of all sides. Of course, each of has a philosophy or spiritual quest. In many ways that is a personal journey and it is hard for it not to come through in the posts we write. But, generally, I come to the site to exchange ideas, especially in relation to my philosophy reading.