Belindi wrote: ↑March 16th, 2022, 7:11 amI am saying that Aristotle observed that particular marine environment of his as healthy, not toxic, and this gave him ample cause for optimism about nature's being in a stable state in which the various forms that nature takes are generally progressing towards what they should be progressing towards. If Aristotle had been impoverished by a tsunami or an infectious plague on his marina he may not have been optimistic about natural stability.
I don't think there is any reason to believe that Aristotle's theory evinces an "optimism" about nature. Plagues and disease were common in his time, and they were evidence of the evil that is contrary to health.
Belindi wrote: ↑March 16th, 2022, 7:11 amI mean that a top predator in any given stable environment is stable as a species as it has no need to evolve. The inference I draw from that claim is we humans too are top predators however , unlike free lions, we know for a fact our social and physical environment is unstable. We humans can't evolve biologically but we can and must change our natures and we can't do so if Aristotle is correct that we are as individuals or we as a species are bound to a final cause.Unless that final cause is plasticity itself which makes nonsense of Aristotle's final cause.
I think Aristotle is right and Sartre is wrong, and I don't think you are providing any arguments for the latter. For Aristotle the final end of rational beings is happiness achieved through virtue, particularly through things like justice, fortitude, temperance, prudence, generosity, truthfulness, and friendship. There is no plasticity in human nature that will lead to the reality where friendship or truthfulness, for example, are bad for humans.
Belindi wrote: ↑March 16th, 2022, 7:11 amBut if evolutionary plasticity of species is good, then how can stability of species also be good? To put it another way, only a man who is satisfied with the status quo will be satisfied that human nature is evolving the way it should. There is a class war going on among humans and Aristotle alignes with the winners.
Since I have limited time at the moment, it may be useful to note that you are attributing to Aristotle a position which he did not hold. Aristotle did not hold that "stability of species is good." This claim is anachronistic, and doesn't make much sense. For Aristotle that species are stable is just a brute fact, not something that is good or bad. This talk about the status quo and class wars is very strange and unintelligible. Apparently you are attempting to bring moral considerations into a discussion that is revolving around natural science (i.e. The discussion at the moment is, "What is good for non-rational animals?").
Incidentally, the same could be said for Darwin. For Darwin that species evolve is just a brute fact. It is not bad or good. This isn't an ideological or moral contest between Aristotle and Darwin.
Even if it were, social Darwinism and Eugenics are based precisely on Evolutionary ideas, not on Aristotelian morality.
Belindi wrote: ↑March 16th, 2022, 7:11 amUnfortunately for humans we have different ideas of how to survive well, and we go to war to support these different ideas. Again I refer to the use of evil as an undeniable criterion for choosing good. Reason is ranged with good.
We have different ideas, but we all hold survival to be a good, so you're not saying anything contrary to Aristotle or Aquinas. You also need to be more careful about conflating non-rational animals with rational animals. As I already said, the primary Aristotelian criterion for the good of non-rational animals is 'health'. Rational animals seek the good of virtue as well as the good of health.
Also, war doesn't end up being a very good example of our desire for survival. Most wars are not initiated for the sake of survival. Russia would have survived just fine without going to war with Ukraine. Wars occur with reference to virtue and vice. This is why non-rational animals cannot usually be said to go to war, and when the are said to go to war it has much more to do with survival than human wars do.
Let me say a word about Aristotle and Evolution since I will have to step away for awhile. I think the Aristotelian understanding of 'good' really is more accurate than the "Evolutionary" one (if there even is one). If we follow Aristotle then what is good for something depends on what kind of thing it is, and this can even be analogously applied to artifacts like cars or houses. From an Evolutionary perspective good is that which conduces to survival. Again, for Aristotle and Aquinas that which conduces to survival is obviously good, but 'good' is also much more than that. I would also say that that undue Evolutionary emphases (which are very common) create bizarre notions of homogeneity. From a purely Evolutionary perspective all species are the same insofar as they are all fully explained in terms of survival and natural selection. This strikes me as incorrect. Species really are different. What is good for a giraffe really is different from what is good for a caterpillar. Evolutionary ends are exceedingly remote, and take long periods of time to develop. It is perfectly legitimate to include the Evolutionary end in our notion of 'good' and to recognize that Aristotle preceded Darwin, but the emphasis we give to Evolution nowadays is disproportionate, and likely faddish. In 500 years Evolution will be seen as one piece of the puzzle among many, not the sole determining factor.