CIN wrote: ↑March 13th, 2022, 4:25 pm
Leontiskos wrote: ↑March 8th, 2022, 9:32 pm
CIN wrote: ↑March 9th, 2022, 9:02 pmI'm only assuming that pleasantness and unpleasantness vary quantitatively (in intensity and duration). I am not making the further assumption that these quantities can be measured by anyone.
If they cannot be measured then no normative utilitarian theory is possible, correct?
I didn’t say they couldn’t be measured. I said I wasn’t assuming that they could, and my theory doesn’t depend on our being able to do that. However, as it happens, I think we can measure them very roughly and relative to one another. If you compare the unpleasantness of a broken leg with the unpleasantness of a long wait in the dentist’s waiting room, it’s obvious that the first merits a negative attitude to a greater degree than the second. That’s measurement, in a very rough way, and good enough to make a normative utilitarian theory not merely possible but of some practical use.
Then you have changed your position and are now assuming that they can be measured, and this assumption is crucial to the possibility of utilitarianism.
Nevertheless, a utilitarian theory requires a measurement system that is capable of comparing experiences between different individuals, not merely the experiences of a single individual. That is the kind of measurement and weighting that is necessary for utilitarianism.
CIN wrote: ↑March 13th, 2022, 4:25 pmLeontiskos wrote: ↑March 8th, 2022, 9:32 pm
CIN wrote: ↑March 9th, 2022, 9:02 pmI think the view that murder and torture are intrinsically evil arises from the near-impossibility of tracing the long-term effects of an action. The immediate consequences of actions are very easy to see, whereas the longer term consequences are nearly always hidden, and people are unaware of them. This gives people the impression that only the immediate consequences matter, which hardens into the mistaken belief that actions whose immediate consequences are intrinsically bad are themselves intrinsically bad.
Wouldn't you agree that deontological moral systems are historically more robust than this?
No, but I’d be interested to know why you think that.
Because I've actually read philosophers who have theories opposed to utilitarianism. Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Kant, and Locke, to name a few. Anyone who has read a serious non-utilitarian account of morality would know that the account you give is basically a strawman. None of these philosophers' moral theories are implicitly or explicitly a matter of compromising on the basis of epistemic limitations.
CIN wrote: ↑March 13th, 2022, 4:25 pmLeontiskos wrote: ↑March 8th, 2022, 9:32 pmCIN wrote: ↑March 9th, 2022, 9:02 pmI don't hold that 'good' is equivalent to 'pleasurable'. I hold that 'good' means 'merits a positive attitude', and that one thing (for all I know there may be others, though at present I'm unconvinced of that) that intrinsically merits a positive attitude is pleasantness of experience.
But this is why I said that your definition of "meriting a positive/negative attitude" immediately collapses back into pleasant and unpleasant experience. If you are not convinced that anything merits a positive/negative attitude except by virtue of pleasure/pain, then it would be more accurate to say that you believe 'good' and 'bad' are equivalent to 'pleasurable' and 'unpleasurable'.
No, it wouldn’t. My theory includes two distinct theses: that ‘good’ means ‘merits a positive attitude’ (a thesis about language), and that pleasantness merits a positive attitude (a thesis about a fact of nature). A theory that held that ‘good’ is equivalent to ‘pleasurable’ would contain only one thesis, about language, so the two theories cannot be the same.
Okay, this is fair.
CIN wrote: ↑March 13th, 2022, 4:25 pmLeontiskos wrote: ↑March 8th, 2022, 9:32 pm
CIN wrote: ↑March 9th, 2022, 9:02 pmI don't think 'good' can be equivalent to 'desirable'. Is a good woman the same thing as a desirable woman?
Yes, a good woman is a desirable woman. We are using 'desire' in the philosophical sense, not the sexual sense.
I’ll let that one go for the moment, even though I’m not sure that there really is such a thing as a philosophical sense of ‘desirable’, because I think there’s a more telling objection to ‘desirable’ as a synonym for ‘good’, which is that they take different tenses. ‘Peace in Ukraine is desirable’ may currently be true, but ‘peace in Ukraine is good’ cannot currently be true, because currently there isn’t peace in Ukraine; instead we have to say ‘peace in Ukraine would be (or, if we are optimistic, will be) good’. Conversely, if and when there is peace in Ukraine, ‘peace in Ukraine is good’ may then be true, but it will no longer be possible for ‘peace in Ukraine is desirable’ to be true, because there will already be peace in Ukraine; instead we will have to say ‘peace in Ukraine was desirable.’ Peace in Ukraine can be both good and desirable, but not at the same time. This shows that goodness and desirability can’t be the same property, and therefore ‘good’ and ‘desirable’ can’t mean the same.
These are word games which don't really affect our topic. There is no reason why a current state of affairs cannot be desirable. There is no reason why a future state of affairs cannot be good. When we say that "Peace in Ukraine is desirable/good," we are predicating desirable/good of a possible state of affairs, namely peace in Ukraine. There is no temporal qualifier in the predication, and peace in Ukraine is therefore deemed to be desirable/good whether it occurs yesterday, today, or tomorrow. What is desired is precisely a good, and this underwrites my whole point.
CIN wrote: ↑March 13th, 2022, 4:25 pmLeontiskos wrote: ↑March 8th, 2022, 9:32 pm
CIN wrote: ↑March 9th, 2022, 9:02 pmLeontiskos wrote: ↑March 8th, 2022, 9:32 pmIf we think that something ought to be done then we call it 'good'.
Even if that is true, it can't give us the meaning of 'good', because we use 'good' of many things that are not actions.
In this thread we are talking about morality, the realm of actions. Good in that sense has to do with what ought to be done. A good act is a desirable act, something which we think ought be done.
‘X is desirable’ does not mean the same as ‘X ought to be done’. ‘Ought’ expresses the fact that someone is obligated to do something; ‘desirable’ does not. It is no doubt desirable that someone washes my car, but that doesn’t mean that anyone ought to wash my car.
No, 'ought' does not equate to obligation or duty. We ought to fulfill our obligations, but not everything that we ought to do is something we are obliged or duty-bound to do. "I ought to go to the dentist." "I ought to give my friend a call." "I ought to clip my toenails." All of these are things we believe we ought to do, and are desirable/good to do, but they do not involve any direct obligations or duties.
CIN wrote: ↑March 13th, 2022, 4:25 pmLeontiskos wrote: ↑March 8th, 2022, 9:32 pm
CIN wrote: ↑March 9th, 2022, 9:02 pm
You are now muddying your own thesis by confusing what is desirable with what is desired.
No, not unless there are things that are desired but not desirable, and there are not. The way I am defining good collects the various subjective and objective meanings of that concept, but the root begins in the subjective valuation of the agent. As soon as and as far as an agent desires something, they hold it to be good.
No doubt, but that doesn't prove they're right.
No one said it proves they're right. I defined good in terms of desirability. It holds at every level, including subjective and objective levels. If I subjectively hold something to be good then I subjectively hold it to be desirable. If I subjectively hold something to be desirable, then I subjectively hold it to be good. If I hold something to be objectively good then I hold it to be objectively desirable. If I hold something to be objectively desirable then I hold it to be objectively good. If something is, objectively, good, then it is desirable. If something is, objectively, desirable, then it is good. And on and on...
Now what you've done is said, "Well there might be a case where someone subjectively holds something to be good, when it is objectively bad." Sure, but all that proves is that people make mistakes. It's not an argument against my definition. The fellow who mistakenly believed something to be good and desirable will change his mind on both counts once he sees that he was mistaken. Or, the heroin addict who experiences an internal conflict simultaneously experiences heroin as good and bad, and desirable and undesirable, but in different ways. He doesn't think it is both bad and desirable in the same way, for that would be a contradiction.
See point #3 in <
this post>, where the same idea is explained with a different example.
CIN wrote: ↑March 13th, 2022, 4:25 pmLeontiskos wrote: ↑March 8th, 2022, 9:32 pm Your suggestion that I can desire something and take it to be undesirable involves a contradiction.
That is not what I suggest. I suggest that you can desire something and it be undesirable, not that you can take it to be undesirable.
But you are pointing to an error in knowledge, not in my definition.
I might define a bachelor as an unmarried man. You might tell me that Brad Pitt believes George Clooney is a bachelor. It may be true that Brad Pitt believes George Clooney is a bachelor, but this doesn't prove that my definition is mistaken. It only proves that Brad Pitt is mistaken, and may be unaware that George Clooney remarried.
CIN wrote: ↑March 13th, 2022, 4:25 pmLeontiskos wrote: ↑March 8th, 2022, 9:32 pm
CIN wrote: ↑March 9th, 2022, 9:02 pmLeontiskos wrote: ↑March 8th, 2022, 9:32 pmIn <this post> when you spoke of "meriting a positive/negative attitude," you were much closer to the mark, but it seems that the abstract space you opened up was immediately collapsed back into pleasure and pain (or "pleasant and unpleasant experience").
I'm claiming that pleasantness and unpleasantness respectively merit positive and negative attitudes. I don't see any collapse here; I'm not substituting pleasantness and unpleasantness for what merits positive and negative attitudes, I'm saying that those are the things that merit those attitudes.
You're erecting a vacuous genus, because you don't believe that anything merits a positive attitude except in virtue of pleasure.
It would be vacuous if the genus and species definitions were the same, but as they’re different, it isn’t vacuous, it’s monotypic.
It is
explanatorily vacuous, and adds nothing to the theory. It also gives the false impression that you believe there are some things which merit a positive attitude and are unrelated to pleasure, for the common notion is that the species is a subset of the genus, and that a genus has more than one species.
Your follow-up post:
CIN wrote: ↑March 13th, 2022, 5:32 pm
CIN wrote: ↑March 9th, 2022, 9:02 pmPeace in Ukraine can be both good and desirable, but not at the same time.
I misspoke. It is not the case that peace in Ukraine can be desirable, because there is currently no such object as peace in Ukraine. What we mean when we say peace in Ukraine is desirable is that it is desirable that peace in Ukraine should exist (at some future date). This does not help Leontiskos, though, because it still means that goodness and desirability are not the same property.
I think what I said above is sufficient, but of course peace in Ukraine can be (and is) desirable, because we can desire things that don't currently exist. It doesn't matter that "there is currently no such object as peace in Ukraine." You seem to realize this.
Goodness and desire can both apply to past, present, and future. Maybe the war in Ukraine is over, and we just haven't received word yet. In that case, "I hope Russia did not win" involves the idea that the possible outcome of Russia's victory is bad and undesirable. If, on the other hand, we receive confirmation that Ukraine won, we might say, "Good, that is what I wanted/desired to happen." "Good" in this case means that the desirable possibility came to pass.
Again, these quibbles about the grammatical idiosyncrasies of informal English speech are not to the point. The person who thinks peace in Ukraine is desirable also counts that counterfactual--the object of desire--as good. It doesn't really matter whether it "is" good or "would be" good. Either way we call it good.
But I should say that I don't disagree with your idea of "Meriting a positive attitude," although I find it a bit wooden. For something to be desirable is more or less for it to merit a positive attitude.