Unsurprisingly, archaeological remnants for fairy tales remain undiscovered. I wish we could find the sepulchre of Cinderella, her tiny feet encased in glass slippers. Or perhaps we could discover the castle of Carabas, and under the chapel find the remains of a large cat with with a highly developed cranium and a pair of thigh-high leather boots.
It won't happen, because men make up a fairy tale because it is not true, and cling to a myth or legend because it is (or was) true. Fairy tales are precise: anyone who has tried to change one detail of such a story to a three-year-old child will be impatiently corrected. Legends and myths, on the other hand, spin into dozens of variations. I remember one story in which Robin Hood and his men lived in a cave. Huh? What happened to Sherwood Forest?
I once read about the discovery of a casket containing the bones of the True Buddha in Peshawar. The discovery was pooh-poohed, of course, as superstition of the credulous believers. But wouldn't believers be anything but credulous? Surely it matters to them (and to nobody else) if these bones are the actual bones of the Buddha.
To the scientist, it matters not whether the bones are those of the Buddha, or of someone else. The devotee, on the other hand, will care passionately about the question, and be as careful as possible in examining the evidence.
I'll grant that there may sometimes be motives for fraud. The Camino de Santiago de Compostela served as a pilgrimage because the bones of St. James the apostle (“Santiago” in Spanish) were buried there. As the Muslims pushed the forces of Christendom into the Northwest corner of Spain in the eighth century, they were led by an icon: the arm of Mohammad, which they carried with them and which made them invincible. The Christian general was fortunately able to combat this be discovering the bones of St. James, whose mystical powers, carried into battle, nullified those of the disembodied arm.
What's my point? I hear atheists dismiss myths as “fairy tales”. But this shows a lack of understanding of literary and historical forms. Pre-literate cultures would often have one word which we would translate as “myth” or “history”, and another we would translate as “fable” or “fairy tale”. Let's not confuse the two forms.