Scott wrote: ↑January 10th, 2022, 6:10 pmIt is not so much a request than a suggestion of room for improvement. It is in the nature of all creative institutions to flourish through timely refreshing and replenishing.Sy Borg wrote: ↑January 9th, 2022, 3:26 pmI don't understand what the request is.gad-fly wrote: ↑January 9th, 2022, 1:01 pmIt's Scott's forum. I have modded for him for a fair few years and his lack of presence here makes clear that he has found other priorities. This forum seems to be the legacy of an old project from which he's mostly moved on.Sy Borg wrote: ↑January 8th, 2022, 7:33 pm The trouble with perpetual topics - or sticky topics in forum parlance - is they become impenetrable. No one will read through hundreds of pages. Consider that you make a highly pertinent and original remark on page fifty in a thread that reaches a hundred or more pages. Practically, the posting is lost, buried, mostly only accessible via internet searches.I am somewhat disappointed by the replies, consisting of "I admit . . .", "I enjoy . . .", and so on. I would welcome more pro-active suggestion on Reform, and on necessary action. This is not about you.
Anyway, that's up to Scott and also the developers of the forum's open source code templates.
I agree with your "The trouble is . . ." above, but what is your proposal? Leaving everything to Scott is unfair. We have to offer him a helping hand. We do not sit on our hands, crying Wolf.
I've done similar. I used to work in OH&S and kept the anti-bullying site I'd made up for some years after shifting to a different field. The site would still be up today except that the legislative references were getting out of date. Scott doesn't have that issue to deal with, so the forum remains.
I disagree with the claim that I ab absent. I respond promptly to every PM sent to me. Additionally, a usage of the search feature will show that I created 37 forum topics in 2021:
search.php?keywords=&terms=all&author=S ... mit=Search
In fact, I literally just posted a topic less than two weeks ago:
The Beautiful Anxiety of the Butterfly (Posted December 31st, 2021)
The forum has a tagging feature that works like this: @Sy Borg and @gad-fly, which sends a PM-like notification to the tagged person, which will help increase the chances that they see the post in question. As of now, this forum has over 14,000 topics, and 386,864 posts. So no person especially not me reads even a significant fraction of them, let alone all them all. I find it odd that these personal speculations about me and my alleged absence would be made without at least tagging me in those conversations about me.
As for the concerns or suggestions about topic ordering and post, that is mostly controlled be each user individually in the Edit Display Options section of the Board Preferences Tab in the User Control Panel.
I have initiated this post on Reform, and I will be held ultimately responsible for any misunderstanding and confusion. Scott: None can contribute more than you, in time, effort, and money. Admittedly my reply to your posts are few and insignificant, but your posts have always attracted my eyeball, except those on book club which I have not joined.
As an idea and a gesture on Reform, how about avoiding the duplication of Book Club Post on Recent Post? Each has five. Duplication of two would reduce readily available posts from 10 to 8.
I can appreciate if there is difficulty doing so. I may discern more room for improvement, and I may voice out later here. I can be stopped any time. No sweat. No hard feeling. Greta should know. I have not heard from her for a while.