Sushan wrote: ↑December 28th, 2021, 10:41 pmLargely true. Not "as humans" --- they certainly recognized them as humans --- but not as moral agents. Throughout most of human history most tribes and ethnic groups did not recognize humans of other groups as persons with moral status equal to their own, but as "barbarians," and felt free to enslave them (if not exterminate them). Including Africans, who themselves kept slaves, and indeed, sold them to European slave traders. Virtually all of the Africans transported to the New World were sold to the slave traders by other Africans. Until it began to be questioned on moral grounds in the middle of the 18th century slavery was part of the common culture of the world, practiced nearly everywhere.
Seemingly Mao and Jefferson had different views on equality. And Jefferson's one is more practical. But whatever came out from his mouth or written down in the declaration were either mere words, or the Black ppeople were not considered as humans.
Jefferson opposed and condemned slavery, and called for its abolition, his entire life. So why did he keep slaves himself? Because he inherited them from his father, he was embedded in a society in which slavery was accepted, and because he he did not believe freeing them would be in their interest, given the status of blacks in Southern society at the time. He also believed blacks (with exceptions) could not be successfully integrated into white culture.