GE Morton wrote: ↑December 26th, 2021, 11:42 pm
Not practical. First a defined group would have to own the pick-up, and restrict availability to members of that group. The first time a member wanted the pick-up and found it unavailable (because another member was using it for the weekend) he'd bail out of the group and buy his own. And, of course, if you really only need an SUV or pick-up once or twice a year, you can rent one from Hertz.
If "auto clubs" of the type you envision were practical they would already exist.
BTW, you're a neighbor. I'm in eastern Washington State.
YOu're probably right, although I disagree with your pro-capitalist notion that if an idea is practical it would already exist. The notion that people are "rational" in the realm of economics is, I think, mistaken. Examples of irrational behavior abound. I know a great many people who buy a gym membership in the hope that by doing so they will trick themselves into going to the gym more often. Yearly memberships at the local YMCA are $60 a month. You can buy a ten-visit punch card for $60. I'm guessing that at least half the YMCA members would save money buying the ten punch card. They may go to the Y more than ten times in any given month during the year only once, and some months (when they are injured or on vacation) they don't go at all. Why do they buy the membership? Either they refuse to estimate properly how many visits they make, or they think that when each given visit is "free", they will go more often. It's like setting your clock ten minutes fast so you won't be late. I'm sure there are plenty of other examples.
Renting a pick-up is a hassle, and people would rather (irrationally) buy a pick-up -- spending an extra $5000 a year in gas and car payments - than spend $100 twice a year to rent one. Partly, this is decision based on status. Also, the ethos of capitialism and consumerism frowns on communal endeavors such as those I suggested. And the start-up marketing costs would be high (in the communal car idea you'd have to get maybe half of the people involved for it to work). Communal efforts would also be attacked by the Captains of Industry. The car manufacturers would look with horror on an idea that would eliminate the need for 2/3 of the cars bought today.
Nonetheless, when self-driving cars become available, I think my idea might come to fruition. Think of the success of Uber and Lyft, which was fueled by ubiquitous mobile phone use. If cars were self-driving, you could order a car on your phone, and it would pick you up within 3-5 minutes. YOur costs would probably be far, far less than those of owning your own car. You could probably be charged by the mile, to involve elderly people who don't even like to drive, and use the service to go to the grocery store. Again, you would need to get a fairly large percentage of the people to enroll to make the business model viable. Manufacturing self-driving cars might involve the auto industry cutting its own throat. The down-side: it might involve people driving MORE, given how economical and easy it would be, which would create more pollution.
I'm on the other side of the Cascades, The left side, on maps.