Please note, all the on-topic forums, including the Philosophy of Religion, Theism and Mythology Forum, are for philosophical discussions and philosophical debate. These forums are not for preaching, non-philosophical sermons or making religious or other assertions without providing any argument for them. There is a big different between a philosophy of religion forum versus a religion forum.
All new threads posted must contain some kind of philosophical argument or philosophical question.
The majority of any OP in the on-topic sections must be mostly arguments, evidence, and/or questions, not assertions. Your OP can have some assertions in the form of premises, and it generally should have conclusions concluded from the presented evidence and logical argument. However, the unevidenced/unargued assertions should not make up most of the post. So throwing on a quick question or short minor argument after a long amount of preaching is not acceptable according to the Forum Rules.
Do not post new threads that only contain a series of bare assertions or otherwise contain mostly ipse dixit. Do not post threads with a topic that is religious but non-philosophical. If it's a factual question about a religion, then it is generally not philosophical. For instance, the topics "How many gospels are in the Bible?" or "What does the Bible say about sex?" are both factual questions about religion, not philosophical ones.
More often than not, using scripture from a certain religion to directly support a claim is a sign that the topic is not philosophical. For example, posting that "god exists because it says so in my bible" or "it is sinful to do X because it says so in my religious text" are religious arguments not philosophical ones.
Please use the report button to report any posts that may not meet the standards explained in this post or in the Forum Rules. I cannot read every post, so I need your help.
Before posting a new thread, always double check to make sure the thread contains some sort of philosophical question or philosophical argument. Ask yourself, what is the main question or argument being made, to ensure that you are not just preaching or otherwise making a series of assertions. This rule against preaching applies to all forums and is essentially a rule against creating a new topic that contains only assertions, without alleged argument/evidence and without philosophical questions. In other words, any preaching in any of the on-topic forums is not allowed, non-religious preaching is also equally prohibited. The point is you need to attempt to make arguments to back-up your supposed 'conclusions' not just preach what you believe is the truth.
Feel free to post non-philosophical topics in the off-topic section.
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.
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