Leontiskos wrote: ↑September 17th, 2021, 1:59 amEvery first year law student studies "property law." That's because the legalities involved with property rights are complicated. Perhaps I didn't make myself clear: my point was that there could be many approaches to property rights which would be equally morally sound, including communism. It seems to me that Morton thinks that "first possession or discovery" confers some moral right to ownership. I disagree (if that's his point -- I've stopped reading his endless posts). Like other laws, property laws can potentially be cruel, or unfair. Nonetheless, the laws of any land confer some degree of moral responsibility. "Thou shalt not steal," suggests property rights, and also suggests that if we live in a society that honors some particular property rights, we shouldn't abuse them. That doesn't meant that I can't morally object to cutting thieves' hands off. So, yes, there are moral grounds on which the legal realm can be judged. This is true not only of property laws, but of all laws. What I was objecting to is the notion that taxation constitutes theft or slavery, which would be the case only if there was some NATURAL or UNIVERSAL right to property. If there is not, then taxes are merely a part of the legal system that confers property in the first place. If "theft" invloves illegally taking someone else's property, clearly taxation cannot be theft. It is theft ONLY if property exists in the moral, not the legal, world.
Well, you said, “I think rights concerning property are more ‘legal’ than ‘moral’.” Appeals to justice are appeals to morality. It is only if you hold to some kind of morality or system which precedes the legal sphere that you would be logically permitted to say that a law is good or bad. If rights are merely legal, and not a function of pre-legal justice, then what I said follows.
But if this is your approach to rights then how could you say that they are more legal than moral? You are proposing a moral principle which grounds and judges the legal sphere.
Things that are objective and rationally defensible are not necessarily circular.
But isn’t that morality derived from a principle? The principle is simply “WWJD”. Aristotle said we should do something very similar, “What would the virtuous man do?” I don’t find either of these to be non-objective. I realize there is a very strong bias on this forum against objective morality, but I haven’t seen anyone defend the bias.
I agree that "objective and rationally defensible" does not necessarily mean "logically defensible". However, I don't think the Christian WWJD is "objective". It is specifically designed to be subjective. The True Believer is meant to allow his Faith to take over his life; to ask for God's help in intuiting what Jesus would do; and then to do it. So although it is based on a moral principle, the manner in which the principle is enacted is specifically supposed to be subjective. It is (perhaps) an aesthetic principle: always do the beautiful thing. This is also a principle -- but beauty, surely, is subjective.
Finally, from the Christian perspective, morality is subjective (I suggest). God (supposedly) knows what's in a man's heart. Let's posit two rapists: they are both in solitary confinement, so neither can commit rape. One is truly repentant. If he were released, he would no longer commit crimes. The other is not repentant at all. He still longs to rape and pillage. Is one more evil than the other? If so, doesn't that suggest that morality is subjective? From the Christian perspective (with which, in this case, I agree) the unrepentant sinner is still evil, even though his sins are "subjective".