Pattern-chaser wrote: ↑August 26th, 2021, 12:19 pm
Would it clarify my position if we were discussing the air we breathe instead of the land we live on/off/from? Imagine that (exclusive) human 'ownership' of air allowed us to prevent others from using 'our' air? And not only did it allow for this, but that human owners routinely did it?
I can see no logical or rational justification for the exclusive ownership of land. Given what I just wrote, can you?
Here's that rationale, previously outlined in several threads.
The rational justification for land ownership is the same as for all other goods. The aim is to allow the producer or discoverer of a valuable good to realize the benefits it affords. There are both moral and pragmatic reasons for adopting such a policy and practice, which is accepted implicitly in virtually all human cultures and even in many animal communities. E.g., a gazelle roaming the Serengeti is "unowned" and "fair game," but once taken by a lion, it becomes her property, and she will defend it. Birds who build nests will drive away other birds who encroach, but not interfere if another bird builds a nest in a nearby tree.
For humans, the pragmatic reason for recognizing rights to property is that it encourages exploration, research, and the investment of efforts to produce valuable goods, and thus increases the supply of those goods. Contrary to the fantasies of many "progressives" (which is a howler of a misnomer), modern human societies are not tribes, brotherhoods, giant co-ops, or "big happy families;" its members are not engaged in any collective enterprise or bound by any sort of pact or "social contract." They are not cells in a "social organism," genetically programmed to contribute to the welfare of the whole. Each of them invests his/her time, efforts, and talents to improve their own lives and those of a few people close to them.
The moral reason for recognizing rights to property derives from a couple of basic moral postulates: that (1) the aim of morality, or moral theories and moral rules, is to permit all agents in a moral field to maximize their welfare, and (2) all creatures who qualify as moral agents have the same moral status; they all have the same rights and the rules generated by the theory apply in the same way to all. Hence no person is another's slave, obliged
a priori to advance another's welfare at the cost of his own.
Most valuable goods would not exist, or be known to exist, and thus benefit no one, but for the efforts of some particular discoverer or producer. Those efforts efforts establish a
moral claim by those discoverers or producers to the goods in question because they were acquired without inflicting loss or injury on another moral agent, in violation of the above postulates. Taking such goods from the discoverer or producer, on the other hand, violates both postulates.
Your parallel between land ownership and ownership of the air is contrived and specious. The atmosphere is indivisible and fluid, the air over Japan today may be over California 2 days later. The whole of it is a natural common, used in common by all living things since time immemorial, and individuals may not lay private claims to natural commons (since that would inflict loss or injury on the other moral agents who benefit from it). Land, on the other hand, is divisible and fixed, and while some of it may be a common, not all of it is. Since laying claim to a portion of the latter may improve the welfare of the claimant without inflicting loss or injury on anyone else, taking it is morally acceptable. It is also pragmatically wise, since it will very likely be used to produce wealth (such as food crops or minerals) from which others will benefit.
Georgist-type claims to the effect that "The Earth belongs to everybody" generally derive from religious dogma ("God created the Earth and gave it to Man") and are arbitrary and without a rational basis. The Earth,
in situ, belongs to no one, it is
res nullius, until someone lays a claim and begins to derive some benefit from some portion of it.