Leontiskos wrote: ↑August 20th, 2021, 8:33 pm
1. What parts of persons/minds are subjective?
The entirety, as explained above.
Apparently my shoes are not subjective.
As explained above, because shoes are not part of your mind or body. Shoes are objects that you put on your feet. (I suddenly feel like I'm teaching a kindergarten class.) What I was pointing out was that there is a sense in which "shoes are mind-dependent" is the case,
because shoes don't exist unless we first think of them/invent them, so there's a causal dependency there, but that's not what "mind-dependent" in "subjective" is saying; it's not about causal dependency but rather an ontological identity relationship.
Are my feet? My heart? My brain?
Your feet, heart and brain are obviously part of your body, kindergarten class, right? So if we're using "subjective" to pick out an ontological identity relationship with persons, period (and not just mental phenomena), then your feet, heart and brain are subjective.
Does locational refer to physical location,
Yes. Offhand I can't think of what other sort of location you'd have in mind. Even if you're thinking of something like a "logical" location, whatever that would amount to, exactly, I don't see how it wouldn't amount to a physical location. What sort of relational properties could "location" pick out that wouldn't amount to a physical relationship?
and if so, what is the physical boundary of the subjective?
Bodies, or if we're just using it for mental phenomena, the subset of brain phenomena that are mental phenomena.
2. What sorts of things can be called subjective or objective?
Everything that's a body or brain-functioning-as-mind phenomenon. (Again, depending on how wide or narrowly we're using the term; there are two different senses with different scopes.)
Propositions? Thoughts? Judgments? Emotions?
On my view, certainly all of those things are subjective. Again, any personal (wide-scope) or mental (narrow-scope) phenomena are subjective.
What sorts of things are neither subjective nor objective?
Null set. The terms exhaust all phenomena.
Are you just calling subjective anything that a physicalist would think takes place in the brain?
All mental phenomena are brain phenomena. I don't know what "just calling" amounts to here, but okay.
Like I said, I will engage two critiques of Searle's paper. That is, you can give two separate reasons why you believe the paper fails.
Take it or leave it.
I'd go point by point, one at a time, to make sure that you'll respond to the points while not ignoring anything.