OK, you've got the methodological falsification distinction, good.
Do you agree that morality is not falsifiable in that way? (If you ignore my question again I'll just assume you agree with me now, because the answer is obvious - no it isn't. Morality isn't objective using this criteria).
Which leaves P1 in your summary of my position here which you still haven't grasped, so I'll address that again now
P1. Objective knowledge exists if and only if there is consensus. ("Knowledge by consensus")So as I've aiready told told you my position is that true direct objective knowledge of the world 'out there' isn't accessible to humans. We are flawed and limited observers and thinkers who don't have a perfect God's Eye third person pov. We only have a specific first person pov and only have direct certain knowledge of our own conscious experience.
P2. Consensus obtains in science.*
P3. Consensus does not obtain in morality.
C4. Therefore, science counts as objective knowledge. (From P1 & P2)
C5. Therefore, morality does not count as objective knowledge. (From P1 & P3)
*The reason that consensus obtains in science is because science studies that which is observable/measurable/falsifiable
You keep defending P2 and P3. My point is that P1 is false. And if P1 is false then C5 is invalid (as is C4). You seem to think you have proved C4 and you keep asking me why I reject C5. My point is that you haven't proved C4, and therefore you have no valid reason to reject C5.
So the convo re actual objective knowledge could, perhaps should, end there. Never-the-less in practice we treat certain types of knowledge as objectively true, factual.
How to we decide to bridge this gap between our own private, first person subjective, experiential knowledge, and what we treat as objective knowledge about the real world?
By comparing the content of our own private, first person subjective experience with other subjects.
So our own (private, first person specific pov, subjective) conscious experience manifests representations of the world 'out there', which we can compare notes with other subjects about. This is how we create a shared/public/third person model of the world 'out there' which we share. Inter-subjectively.
Some things we can check via observation and measurement and agree to treat as 'God's Eye Third Person' objective, because it is reliably inter-subjectively falsifiable. We also note conceptualised qualities and patterns which we treat as similarly third person (objectively) reliable, law-like, eg the laws of physics, cause and effect, logic - rooted in observation of physical, third person observable stuff.
But we're are falsifying our shared third person inter-subjectively agreed model when we treat such knowledge as objective, not reality itself.
Whether we express knowledge out loud as a proposition or somesuch isn't the issue, the issue is that we are flawed, limited knowers.
The above caveat applies to everything we treat as objectively knowable. That's my actual P1.
Got it?
Agree with it?