The roots of esoteric thought go back to the ideas of the Greek philosophers and the Egyptians, and one strong influence has been the figure of Hermes Trismegistus, who wrote, 'The Hermetica. This text has been important for many aspects of esoteric worldviews, including the tradition of alchemy, Esoteric ideas weave in and out of religious perspectives and in the West, a major influence was Gnosticism. This gained more prominence after the Gnostic Gospels were discovered in Nag Hammadi. Also, the attention Carl Jung gave to Gnostic ideas, as well as to played a significant role in the influence in making these ideas less 'hidden.'
I am aware that the topic of esoteric ideas in religious thought is extremely large, because it encompasses the whole field of comparative religion, so my introduction to the topic is a mere sketch. But, I do believe that an extremely important aspect is the theosophical tradition. This draws upon the ideas about other dimensions of reality, as developed by Rudolf Steiner and Manly Hall. However, the tradition was influenced greatly by Madame Blavatsky. While her own psychic claims showed her to be a charlatan, her writings were so influential, and lead to the development of The Theosophical Society. This movement brought forth a strong emphasis on Eastern ideas, especially those arising from the Hindu tradition. It also involved a blending of Christian and Eastern thought, and one key concept is the idea of an underlying focus on the truth underlying all religions.
The esoteric views were essential to the 'new age' movement in the twentieth century, and, even now, many people see such ideas as an alternative to mainstream religious perspectives or to the materialist leanings of many viewpoints within philosophy. I am raising this area of debate in order to ask how useful the esoteric traditions are. In a way, they enable us to think about the mythological and symbolic aspects of our lives. However, part of the reason why such ideas may have been suppressed, but remained underground by movements like the Rosucrucians, is because they challenge authority, placing an emphasis on the authentic quest of the individual. So, I am interested to know what readers on this site think about this general area of thought in connection with the philosophy of religion.