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Discuss philosophical questions regarding theism (and atheism), and discuss religion as it relates to philosophy. This includes any philosophical discussions that happen to be about god, gods, or a 'higher power' or the belief of them. This also generally includes philosophical topics about organized or ritualistic mysticism or about organized, common or ritualistic beliefs in the existence of supernatural phenomenon.
By Slavedevice
What I meant to say is:

I believe that I am absolutely NOT a Son of Abraham!!

I believe God is written in your HEART not in a BOOK!
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By detail
Newme wrote: August 6th, 2021, 9:13 pm
detail wrote: August 5th, 2021, 10:26 am
Newme wrote: July 21st, 2021, 2:07 pm Thank you. Are you suggesting determinism or that life is based on chance, not free will? I’m especially wondering about how this applies to the psychology of people individually compared to when in groups.
Well chance is something subjective, in fact even if life is s.th. deterministic , probability together with a filtation then just describes the absence of knowledge. The kripke structure itself , proposes in fact not a measure on the tree of the events called probability , but just the possible outcomes of certain events partially existent in the future, which have an effect on the evaluation of the certain logical variables.
I suppose chance, determination - practically every judgment - is subjectively perceived to some degree. Ideally, many facts and possibilities are considered before drawing conclusions - but there’s no way to see it from every possible angle.

What do you mean “events partially existent in the future”?
Well if one throws a dice from a starting point S there are 6 different outcomes for one throw or pass. Just one of them will get in a later time reality.
There is in doxastic logic no probality so the outcomes could be not equally distributed for example , wich would indicate a relative frequency which could limit into some large number probability . ---> This is not existent. But what you know is, that one of the number will be on top after a time t'. One can still model this , so if 1 comes you could express your belief some time in advance that 2 will be on top which is still true up to the time the dice is thrown and 2 can not be a possible outcome of this special event at time t'. So 2 is after time t' notany more possible after this special throw.
But you can model this as a graph where logic variables are evaluated every time . That does not mean that 1 has to happen!!! It is just one special path within the graph that you observe for t'. For strategic games like card games, where i believe opponent H has a full house and the conditions of the other players are known , one could sometimes conclude that this is the case or not. So one does not need to calculate with probabilities it's just higer logic.
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By detail
Just take the paradox of infallabilty. God is certainly infallible. Infallible is that \forall_{x} (Ix \equiv \forall_{A} ( Bx A \leftarrow A). This can lead to a paradox look at

https://www.argumenta.org/wp-content/up ... bility.pdf

There are several possiblities. For example there is a person that believes just one thing, that he or she is not infallible.
God can do anything and even believe as a sentient almighty every thing but he could not be in a logcial state believe that he is not infallible , because he is infallible without lying to himself. Thus god is not capable to to do everything, thus he is not almighty thus god does not exist.
Because god is infallible , knows that he is infallibe but cannot claim the lie that he is not infallible , thus he does not exist.
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By detail
Just be reminded on Douglas Adams:

“Now it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that anything so mind-bogglingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as the final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God.
The argument goes something like this: "I refuse to prove that I exist,'" says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," says Man, "The Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED."
"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.
"Oh, that was easy," says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing.”
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By Greatest I am
Newme wrote: August 6th, 2021, 8:57 pm
Greatest I am wrote: July 29th, 2021, 11:12 am…To believe in the supernatural is not the best way to think.

... Evil is mankind’s responsibility and not some imaginary God’s.
…Evil then is only human to human when they know they are doing evil and intend harm.

…Can you help but do evil? I do not see how. Do you?
And if you cannot, why would God punish you?
Maybe God is within us all (as written in Luke 17:21, likely borrowed from Buddhism). So who does the punishing? :wink: Good & evil are within us all - & when we take appropriate responsibility - that seems to breed more good than evil.

You make a lot of good points - most of which I’m not highlighting. But I disagree about evil - I believe evil is significant the lack of awareness - ignorance. Someone suggested the word e-vil is “energy veil” - like a veil over their efforts’ cause & effect. The most evil is persistent willful blindness along with attempts to make others pay for the lack of responsibility.

If you define supernatural as beyond your natural abilities - why wouldn’t belief in that be a better way to think? Eg., It’s said that when Einstein came to a difficult problem that he couldn’t solve - he’d let it go, sleep on it & often the idea would come to solve it.
God has yet to solve anyone's problem, except that spark of god within us all, that has us step up to our problems

Our genocidal god creates problems. He does not solve them with so much murder.

God should not have to adjust and tweak what is supposed to be his perfect creations.

You show great moral wisdom wit your "The most evil is persistent willful blindness along with attempts to make others pay for the lack of responsibility."

You are showing the Jesus as savior and scapegoat notion exactly, and Christians think that putting their responsibilities on Jesus for their salvation instead of themselves is a sin in and of itself.

Abdicating one's responsibilities is a sin. Right?

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By Greatest I am
Slavedevice wrote: August 6th, 2021, 9:59 pm What I meant to say is:

I believe that I am absolutely NOT a Son of Abraham!!

I believe God is written in your HEART not in a BOOK!
Yes, and no.

Gnostic Jesus was questioned as to what sees the vision?


The Saviour answered and said, 'He does not see through the soul nor through the spirit, but the mind which [is] between the two - that is [what] sees the vision...'

For where the mind is, there is the treasure.

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By Greatest I am
Newme wrote: August 6th, 2021, 9:05 pm
Greatest I am wrote: July 29th, 2021, 11:23 am …Homophobes are poorly adjusted, IMO, because they put sex above love.

…If you think being gay is a choice people make, you would be wrong.
Homophobes? Why did logic suddenly fly out the window here? Because appeal to emotion rules with homosexuality/transgender bs. “A man FEELs like a woman - oh - that magical feeling dust makes his reproductive anatomy go poof!”

“Oh, and you think he’s still a man even if he doesn’t feel that way? You must fear him - that’s the ONLY reason why you wouldn’t consider a man who feels like a woman - a woman.”

Are you seriously buying into this?

Homosexuality is not chosen like anorexia is not chosen - yet both are delusional ways of regarding reality. And statistically, both are harmful (especially for men in the 1st case) & warrant help rather than placating to delusions just out of FEAR of being called “homophobe.”

Ad hominem.
You did not touch the fact that a hole homophobes put sex above love and that that is sicko thinking.

I guess that you must think a female or male born with both sets of junk were created by god just for you to hate.


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By -TheLastAmerican
I believe in scientific magic - all the matter in the Universe, all of the quantum mechanics, all of the life forms we know of (and do not yet know of), are the results of a process that just popped into existence one day, from absolutely nothing, in the middle of a void that did not previously exist, just because it wanted to.

Just like magic...
Favorite Philosopher: Myself Location: Earth
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By Newme
Greatest I am wrote: August 16th, 2021, 8:19 pm
Newme wrote: August 6th, 2021, 9:05 pm Homophobes? Why did logic suddenly fly out the window here? Because appeal to emotion rules with homosexuality/transgender bs. “A man FEELs like a woman - oh - that magical feeling dust makes his reproductive anatomy go poof!”

“Oh, and you think he’s still a man even if he doesn’t feel that way? You must fear him - that’s the ONLY reason why you wouldn’t consider a man who feels like a woman - a woman.”

Are you seriously buying into this?

Homosexuality is not chosen like anorexia is not chosen - yet both are delusional ways of regarding reality. And statistically, both are harmful (especially for men in the 1st case) & warrant help rather than placating to delusions just out of FEAR of being called “homophobe.”

Ad hominem.
You did not touch the fact that a hole homophobes put sex above love and that that is sicko thinking.

I guess that you must think a female or male born with both sets of junk were created by god just for you to hate.
I’ve never seen a hermaphrodite parade. They are so rare - they don’t represent the homosexual herd stampede.

A man FEELING like a woman doesn’t change his biological gender. Media carefully programs some minds to assume anyone who dares question the sanity of such emotional reasoning to be hateful. This is the evil of passing the buck. They don’t want to admit their own twisted delusions of reality - so they set it up to hate others who are not delusional as they are.

It is these who are sexually delusional who are shoving sexuality in everyone’s faces and making their identity - the totality of who they want to be - based on sexuality. Sex above love - exactly. Love is striving for what’s best for self & others. Anal fissures, colon rupture, bacterial infection & anal cancer - from anal sex - is not healthy or loving - but it’s about sex & getting off, no matter who’s hurt. And now, homosexual fanatics are pushing for child-sex. It is sick, but they don’t care about others - just sex.
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By Newme
Greatest I am wrote: August 16th, 2021, 8:06 pmGod has yet to solve anyone's problem, except that spark of god within us all, that has us step up to our problems

Our genocidal god creates problems. He does not solve them with so much murder.

God should not have to adjust and tweak what is supposed to be his perfect creations.

You show great moral wisdom wit your "The most evil is persistent willful blindness along with attempts to make others pay for the lack of responsibility."

You are showing the Jesus as savior and scapegoat notion exactly, and Christians think that putting their responsibilities on Jesus for their salvation instead of themselves is a sin in and of itself.

Abdicating one's responsibilities is a sin. Right?

I agree & well put about needing to solve our problems - but we can tap into spiritual intuition so we go with, rather against, the flow.

Interesting how you stated “our genocidal god.” Reminds me that there are multiple gods - or some lower and higher concerns/principles. It also reminds me how insane OT Joshua committing mass genocide after Moses’ 10 commandments not to kill nor steal. Supposedly God commanded them to kill all men, women & children & steal their property - not a good god - more like something like Hades. Dogma ignores the projection of evil in human-concocted gods & states it’s all just 1 god - when really, when it comes to human projection - there are as many gods (ideas of gods) as people.

Leibniz suggested this was the best of possible worlds - so yes, God (or belief in & striving towards the highest GOoD) is indeed needed for people to improve, rather than worsen, this world.

Yeah, I think abdicating responsibility is sin - but I also see thought as the origin of sin. So if someone didn’t take responsibility for something & then on top of that emotionally beats themselves up for it - that self-beating is also sin. It’s tricky because kids need some clear limits & often can only understand black-or-white extreme opposites - not gray areas. But often, especially more sensitive, kids will become punitive in applying those limits - when as they mature as adults, they need to apply more perspectives, contexts & possibilities. But this takes mental energy many don’t want to spend. So they think in terms of labels, all-or-nothing thinking & strict rules.

This is why sometimes the worse sinners are those pretending to be good - they adhere to a list or religious rules superficially, and feel like they’re righteous because they check off a list, while Eg., they’re abusive to their kids, dishonest in business etc. Then they never overcome this because they live in denial - thinking Jesus took care of it all for them. Whereas someone who’s not bogged down with trying to appear perfect in religious circles, may be less pressured to hide sins & more likely to take response-ability & progress.
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By Greatest I am
Newme wrote: September 7th, 2021, 5:43 pm [ who are shoving sexuality in everyone’s faces and making their identity - the totality of who they want to be - based on sexuality. Sex above love - exactly. Love is striving for what’s best for self & others. Anal fissures, colon rupture, bacterial infection & anal cancer - from anal sex - is not healthy or loving - but it’s about sex & getting off, no matter who’s hurt. And now, homosexual fanatics are pushing for child-sex. It is sick, but they don’t care about others - just sex.
What kind of god would create such foul humans.

Your victim blaming is duly noted.

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By Newme
Greatest I am wrote: September 10th, 2021, 6:42 pm
Newme wrote: September 7th, 2021, 5:43 pm [ who are shoving sexuality in everyone’s faces and making their identity - the totality of who they want to be - based on sexuality. Sex above love - exactly. Love is striving for what’s best for self & others. Anal fissures, colon rupture, bacterial infection & anal cancer - from anal sex - is not healthy or loving - but it’s about sex & getting off, no matter who’s hurt. And now, homosexual fanatics are pushing for child-sex. It is sick, but they don’t care about others - just sex.
What kind of god would create such foul humans.

Your victim blaming is duly noted.
Victim mentality also noted. :D

What kind of human projection would look only on the ugly aspects of humans, while ignoring the beautiful?
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By Sculptor1
MyshiningOne wrote: April 22nd, 2007, 12:49 am If you are religious, which one do you practice?
I am proud to say that I beleive nothing.
Belief is a state of mind where you decide to accept something that you cannot possibly know.
Sapere Aude!
Believe nothing; seek to know.
Faith is the death of reason.
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By Sculptor1
Newme wrote: September 11th, 2021, 12:04 pm
Greatest I am wrote: September 10th, 2021, 6:42 pm
Newme wrote: September 7th, 2021, 5:43 pm [ who are shoving sexuality in everyone’s faces and making their identity - the totality of who they want to be - based on sexuality. Sex above love - exactly. Love is striving for what’s best for self & others. Anal fissures, colon rupture, bacterial infection & anal cancer - from anal sex - is not healthy or loving - but it’s about sex & getting off, no matter who’s hurt. And now, homosexual fanatics are pushing for child-sex. It is sick, but they don’t care about others - just sex.
What kind of god would create such foul humans.

Your victim blaming is duly noted.
Victim mentality also noted. :D

What kind of human projection would look only on the ugly aspects of humans, while ignoring the beautiful?
You objection is not only false but empty.
Why not try to answer the question; "What kind of god would create such foul humans." rather than skip over it, as if it were not valid?
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By Greatest I am
Newme wrote: September 11th, 2021, 12:04 pm
Greatest I am wrote: September 10th, 2021, 6:42 pm
Newme wrote: September 7th, 2021, 5:43 pm [ who are shoving sexuality in everyone’s faces and making their identity - the totality of who they want to be - based on sexuality. Sex above love - exactly. Love is striving for what’s best for self & others. Anal fissures, colon rupture, bacterial infection & anal cancer - from anal sex - is not healthy or loving - but it’s about sex & getting off, no matter who’s hurt. And now, homosexual fanatics are pushing for child-sex. It is sick, but they don’t care about others - just sex.
What kind of god would create such foul humans.

Your victim blaming is duly noted.
Victim mentality also noted. :D

What kind of human projection would look only on the ugly aspects of humans, while ignoring the beautiful?
Again, you blame man for following his god given instincts.

Just like in Job.

People condemn the hit man Satan while ignoring Yahweh, the Mafia Don who sent the hit man.

Typical moral coward ways that condemn a man for a thing while praising god for the same.

Hypocrisy here.


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