Hello Gertie. I think I have a better sense of where you are coming from this time around.
Gertie wrote: ↑July 29th, 2021, 7:40 amLeontiskos wrote: ↑July 26th, 2021, 12:05 amWhen the brother says, "This is a tangerine," he is also saying, "My statement is true (for everyone)." "Objective truth" is redundant, as Peter pointed out. The claim places a burden on all rational minds to see it the same way. That's why when the sister contradicts him friction will arise, because the "ought"-claims are conflicting. Each believes the other ought to--at the very least--use a different word to describe the fruit.
Sorry I still don't get it.
Let's just set the stage a bit to begin. I gave an example where a brother claims a piece of fruit is a tangerine and his sister disagrees, calling it a clementine. The point of my illustration was that the encounter is,
prima facie, identical to a moral argument. There are two competing claims, both of which are "ought" claims. The point was that this is already too much for Peter's criteria for objectivity.
Now you claim that this is a different sort of ought than a moral claim. We can explore this question, but again,
prima facie, it is the same. The siblings take their claims to be normative for the other person. This same thing happens when a vehement pro-lifer encounters a vehement pro-choicer. You have two conflicting "ought"-claims that presumably lead to interminable argument. What I mean when I say that the brother or the pro-lifer makes an "ought"-claim is that they
intend their claim to be normative. In the first place I wanted to attend to the matter of intention.
Just because someone says out loud ''That is a tangerine'' doesn't introduce some burden of ought as far as I can see (except along the lines I already mentioned). I'm not seeing where the oughtness lies in this scenario and what it's based in. I can guess some more but it would be helpful if you can clarify further?
I'm saying that our shared experience-based model of the world where we share notes and agree eg that tangerines exist and categorise them, is inter-subjective. We then treat the physical observable and measurable aspects of this working model as true, as factual and falsifiable. Until we hit a problem and have to adjust the model, or our own misunderstanding of it (as in your scenario). It applies to all of us. Hopefully that's clearer. Are you disagreeing? If so, we do have a deeper issue.
I don't disagree with what you say here, but I don't think this non-realist account goes far enough. Throughout this discussion you talk about, "treating things as true/objective/factual/falsifiable." Clearly you're uncomfortable with the claim that they really are true/objective/factual/falsifiable. Let's try to get to an objective ought and to realism. (Note: Many today follow Hume and Kant in rejecting classical moral knowledge, but they don't see that these same premises, if followed consistently, require one to reject scientific knowledge as well.)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the intersubjective "ought" claim that you recognize is essentially the claim that English speakers ought to label the fruit as a tangerine, and that "the purpose behind that is to maintain the useful consistency of our shared objective model of the world." More generally, it is the claim that language speakers should follow the stipulated vocabulary of the language. This is actually a relatively superficial claim. So let's consider two different meanings of the predication, "This piece of fruit is a tangerine."
M1: English speakers ought to apply the label "tangerine" to this piece of fruit.
M2: This fruit
is the kind of reality that the English word "tangerine" points to.
The difference is subtle but important. If you wanted to defend M1 you could go to a dictionary, or take a poll, or in some way attempt to discover common usage. If you wanted to defend M2 you would go to a pomologist, because they are the ones who best understand fruits. M1 is merely stipulative. "It is a tangerine because we English speakers decided that it is a tangerine." M2 is substantive. "It is a tangerine because it instantiates the objective concept that is represented by the word 'tangerine'." In the first case we have a semantic quibble; in the second case we have a disagreement over the nature of reality.
Now it's not really clear whether the brother and sister are having a semantic quibble or a substantive disagreement. You assumed they were having a semantic quibble and I assumed they were having a substantive disagreement. I would say that if the brother and sister are just learning English then it is more likely they are having a semantic quibble--they both have a clear understanding of the fruit but are ignorant of what to call it in English. On the other hand if they are both expert pomologists then it is more likely they are having a substantive disagreement--they know exactly what the two words mean, but they are disagreeing on the empirical nature of the piece of fruit.
My general point was that the fruit claims are analogous to scientific claims. When a scientist says that helium has two protons, this could be a stipulative claim justified by the English language such as M1, or it could be a substantive claim about reality such as M2. Certainly the first scientist who theorized that helium has two protons was not speaking stipulatively, and this shows forth the truth that science must go beyond linguistic stipulation and intersubjective agreement by reason of its very nature. This means that the falsifiability of stipulative claims is different from the falsifiability of substantive claims. Stipulative claims are falsified on the basis of intersubjective agreement, whereas substantive claims are falsified by reality and argument. Oftentimes scientists challenge or transcend intersubjective agreement, in which case their claim could be objectively true even if it is false according to intersubjective agreement (e.g. When Copernicus claimed that the Earth orbits the Sun).
Let me offer one more example since I know this can be difficult to understand. A stipulative mindset would be shown forth by the siblings if they are thinking, "Which English word identifies this piece of fruit?" But in that case they would be assuming that the intersubjective language is isomorphic with reality. Of course it's not. A question that does not make this assumption would be, "What is this fruit?" It is conceivable that during their argument a pomologist would enter the room, examine the fruit, and declare that it is an entirely new fruit that has never been discovered before and has no name. That is, it is neither a tangerine nor a clementine, nor is it identifiable by way of existing names. My argument presupposes that they are primarily interested in the reality of the fruit rather than in which name to apply.
I think this is the same thing Kant referred to as the analytic/synthetic distinction, but I may be wrong and I don't want to misrepresent him so I will just call it the stipulative/substantive distinction. My point is that the brother's claim is a substantive "ought," and that this kind of "ought" is in accord with moral judgments. It could be stipulative, and I understand why you would say that, but the idea that he is making a truth claim that goes beyond language goes hand in hand with it being a substantive assertion. Stipulative claims can be "treated as" objective or true, but they're actually not. Those claims are primarily about language and appearance rather than reality. Substantive claims are about reality and therefore really do have the capacity to be objective and true.
So now I've at least addressed the intentionality of the act at length. Obviously your other objection has to do with adjudication...
Listen, I don't want this post to become excessively long. You make a number of points below that will need to be taken up, but for now I am only going to offer a few minor comments on them. This post will therefore be primarily about the tangerine claim and the difference between stipulative and substantive claims. That strikes me as a foundational issue that needs to be addressed. We can come back to the other things.
The tangerine is a physical feature of our shared physical model of the world which we treat as objectively correct and have agreed ways of checking for accuracy via observation and measurement. This is the realm of shared public knowledge about facts of the world we can all access. If I call a tangerine an apple or lamp post or clementine or symphony, I can be shown why I'm mistaken. I'm saying this is the appropriate context for thinking about 'right' and 'wrong' here in terms of accuracy - whether I have correctly identified the tangerine, or I've made an error. You can say rational people 'ought' not make such an error, but as I said before, that's a different type of ought, using the term to mean ''would be expected not to make this error in observation or categorisation''.
Okay, so the sort of "ought" that deals with mistaking a piece of fruit is, "would be expected not to make this error in observation or categorisation." What is the alternative ought that you would contrast it with? If you think capital punishment is moral and I think it is immoral, aren't we both claiming that the other person has falsely categorized the act of capital punishment? You think I have falsely categorized it as immoral and I think you have falsely categorized it as moral. So again, I don't see two different kinds of "oughts" here, but I admit that this is only a preliminary answer.
I think we just have to accept that what we treat as objective is actually rooted in inter-subjective agreement. But the key thing is we can point to what we agree to call objective facts about the world and compare notes. They are 'out there', observable and measurable by us both, and our observations and measurements will tally unless we make an error. That is the realm we treat as objective. The realm of publically accessible knowledge we share. Where tangerines exist and have specific observable, measurable characteristics.
But subjective experience itself is not 'out there' to be pointed at, it's not public/shared, observable, measurable in that way. It is private, and qualiative. So while I can point to the hanging and ask you if you see the hanging too, to check I'm not factually mistaken, I can't point to my opinion that hanging is wrong for you to check in that way. If we compare notes on our opinion about capital punishment, there is nothing to point to 'out there' which is falsifiable in the public/shared way that pointing to the physical event of the hanging is. When I say hanging is morally wrong, I'm not talking about an objectively, publically, observable, falsifiable error in observation or categorisation.
Moral judgements only exist as expressions of the private mental experience of Subjects. Not as publically falsifiable facts.
I think we have to think through what the lexicon represents. I make the distinction, as outlined above, between facts about the world which are observable and measurable and agreed via sharing notes on our private subjective experience vs the private qualiative subjective experience itself. The first category we call objective, the latter subjective. If a mental experience can't be checked in that public/shared way, it is still real, but it doesn't have that public authoriative stamp of objective agreement between us. When it comes to opinions, feeling of disapproval, values, a sense of guilt or moral obligation these are real, but ours might be the opposite. Like I might love chocolate ice cream and you might hate it.
So again, we will have to come back to this, but my position is that there is no qualitative difference between an opinion and a fact. A fact is just a bunch of opinions strung together by intersubjective agreement. At least I don't see how you or Peter can get more than that. Here you call it objective, but elsewhere you would say that we "
treat it as objective." Presumably on your view we have subjective experiences, and when a similar subjective experience is elicited by the same stimulus in many different individuals it becomes objective. As noted above, that view won't support science, and this was my original point to Peter.
That said, I hope we are sorting out intention properly. The ice cream preference has no intended objectivity. When I say there is no qualitative difference, I am talking about things that are intended objectively. I included a parenthetical remark with my initial comment to clarify this.
We will also have to come back to the question of adjudication, which is central to your view.
I would say that the difference is a matter of degree. The truth about capital punishment is simply more obscure than the truth about the tangerine, so fewer people are able to recognize it. But just because fewer people recognize a truth does not make it non-objective. Or to use your language, the claim about capital punishment enjoys less intersubjective agreement than the claim about the tangerine, so it is less "objective."
Hopefully I've clarified why I disagree. What is your foundation and methodology for establishing the moral truth about hanging? Maybe you could walk me through the example of capital punishment.
I don't think there is any qualitative difference between fact and opinion. One merely enjoys more "intersubjective agreement." The opinions of yesterday are the facts of today, and the folly of tomorrow.
Again, this misses the distinction I make between observable/measurable/objective vs private/qualiative/subjective which I believe underlies a real distinction with consequences. One consequence being, moral judgements are by their nature are not accessible to public/shared verification. We might disagrees over the use of terminology, but the distinction is real.
I'm guessing you believe reason can bridge this gap, but to do so I think your first problem is to provide an objective moral foundation to reason your way from. If you're not hiding God up your sleeve, that's a tough one imo.
These are important points you bring up. Like I said, I am not going to try to give a thorough answer to them here, for this post is already too long. However, I will give you the basic framework.
I actually want to look at slavery first, because you brought it up earlier in the thread and I think would be an easier moral prohibition for me to defend. Obviously the intersubjective agreement surrounding slavery has changed in the last few hundred years. Now we tend to view it as objectively wrong. What might that mean?
Just like the brother would make use of the nature of the fruit in order to argue that it is a tangerine, so would we appeal to the nature of the human being in order to argue against slavery. A common argument would be: Human beings have inherent dignity; Slavery is incompatible with that dignity; Therefore slavery is impermissible. The middle term, 'dignity', would surely be elaborated in terms of freedom. That is, our intellect and our will endow us with freedom, and that freedom cannot be arbitrarily denied. Similar "natural law" arguments would be applied to murder, or theft, or capital punishment, etc. We can talk more about this.