CIN wrote: ↑June 25th, 2021, 4:15 pmPeter Holmes wrote: ↑June 24th, 2021, 2:57 amI've already answered that: it means 'merits an anti-attitude'.CIN wrote: ↑June 23rd, 2021, 7:04 pm 1. Hungry sentient beings suffer unpleasantness if we don't feed them.What does the word 'bad' mean here?
2. Unpleasantness is intrinsically bad. (That is, it intrinsically merits an anti-attitude; this is just a fact about pleasantness and unpleasantness - by their very nature, a pro-attitude is appropriate to the first, and an anti-attitude to the second. To take the most obvious case, it is not reasonable to claim that how one feels about a severe and continuing pain is just a matter of personal subjective choice or opinion: severe pain forces on us an anti-attitude - we dislike it - by its very nature.)Peter Holmes wrote: ↑June 24th, 2021, 2:57 am If it just means 'unpleasant', the claim is a tautology.It doesn't, and so it isn't.Peter Holmes wrote: ↑June 24th, 2021, 2:57 am And why does pleasantness (pleasure?) merit a pro-attitude, and unpleasantness (pain?) an anti-attitude?It's an empirical fact that pain makes you want the pain to stop, and pleasure makes you want the pleasure to continue. These are properties of pain and pleasure, not subjective attitudes or opinions that we foist onto them. Pain is aversive; and the more severe the pain, the more aversive it becomes (i.e. the more you want it to stop). These are simply facts of nature.Peter Holmes wrote: ↑June 24th, 2021, 2:57 amThere's a long tradition of ascetic denial of pleasure as corrupting and pain as ennobling.Indeed there is, and it's perfectly possible for these opinions to be correct without endangering my theory. (Whether they really are correct is of secondary importance.) All it would mean is that while pleasure is intrinsically good (i.e. merits a pro-attitude), it can be instrumentally bad (i.e. lead ultimately to pain or some other kind of unpleasantness, which merits an anti-attitude). And the opposite for pain.Peter Holmes wrote: ↑June 24th, 2021, 2:57 amYour claim of 'intrinsicness' is a matter of opinion.My opinion is backed by argument.Peter Holmes wrote: ↑June 24th, 2021, 2:57 amAnd anyway, there's no 'ought' here.Well, there wouldn't be, would there? We're only in step 2 of a 5-step argument.Peter Holmes wrote: ↑June 24th, 2021, 2:57 amAh, the ad hominem insult. So useful when you can't actually refute what the other guy is saying.CIN wrote: ↑June 23rd, 2021, 7:04 pm3. If we don't feed the hungry and they can't feed themselves, we are allowing badness to continue when we could prevent it, and we are therefore doing evil by omission.This is your sleight-of-hand dishonesty.You slide from unpleasantness to badness to evil.I don't slide. I note that unpleasantness, as a fact of experience, merits an anti-attitude, and that badness, as a fact of language, means 'merits an anti-attitude'; and therefore, that unpleasantness is bad. You cannot refute these assertions of mine simply by labelling them as 'sliding'. That's not a reasoned rebuttal, it's just a kind of philosophical defamation.
And, of course, we ought not to do or be evil!Indeed we oughtn't. As I say in the next step, I take this to be self-evident. Once you have crossed the supposedly unbridgeable gulf between fact and value, subjectivism is already lost. What reason could you have to defend an already hopeless position?
Peter Holmes wrote: ↑June 24th, 2021, 2:57 amThen you retroject that back to unpleasantness: unpleasantness is evil, so we ought not to cause unpleasantness. QED.Your language is colourful (sliding, retrojecting), but bears no relation to what I actually do in my argument. Once I have reached 'ought' in my argument, I don't return to unpleasantness. I've already dealt with it.
Peter Holmes wrote: ↑June 24th, 2021, 2:57 amThe reason why it's important to strip an argument such as yours down to a simple premise, or simple premises, and a conclusion - is that it can expose the invalidity and/or unsoundness of the argument.Well, if it ever does that - and I'm deeply sceptical - it certainly doesn't do it in your hands. All it does in your hands is distort my argument out of all recognition.
Peter Holmes wrote: ↑June 24th, 2021, 2:57 amBut I can see why you don't like it.Whether I like it or not is beside the point. The point is that you use it as an excuse for not confronting my argument properly.
What we count as good or bad (or evil) is a matter of opinion, which is therefore subjective. So that we ought to do something is also a matter of opinion, which is therefore subjective. And facts about human nature have no bearing on the necessary subjectivity of our opinions.
Yes, I'm familiar with the articles of your faith. I just don't happen to believe them.Here is a reasoned rebuttal of your argument.
1 Unpleasantness and badness are not independent properties of things and events. And that's why one person may find something unpleasant or bad, that another person finds pleasant or good. Just as beauty and ugliness are in the eye of the beholder, so pleasantness and unpleasantness, or goodness and badness (or evil) are in the experience or judgement of the experiencer.
2 It follows that 'meriting an anti-attitude/a pro-attitude' is also not an independent property, because one and the same thing can 'merit' either attitude.
3 But even if unpleasantness/badness/meriting an anti-attitude were indeed independent properties of things and events, that still doesn't entail an 'ought' of any kind - such as that we ought not to inflict unpleasantness on others. That is a moral judgement, belief or opinion, which is subjective.
4 The is/ought barrier is insuperable. An argument that pretends it isn't, or that the barrier doesn't exist, begs the question and is therefore fallacious.
I don't believe I'm merely expounding a faith-position here. But if you can demonstrate that I am, I must reconsider my argument.