Pattern-chaser wrote: ↑June 21st, 2021, 7:00 am
Sculptor1 wrote: ↑June 20th, 2021, 9:34 am
The greedy predators like to spread the myth that greed and predation are normal and inevitable.
That is the basis of capitalism. Such psychopathy is in the minority. But even predating psychopaths have to subvert and mobilise the human tendancy to co-operate. How do you think Hitler managed. Certainly not alone.
Our history - even back to pre-history, and beyond - seems to confirm the dominance of our less social tendencies, but also the strong presence of our social tendencies. This predates capitalism, and maybe even psychopathy too?
"less social" - this is a bit like how long is a piece of string.
My point is, as I made it above is that we'd never have been able to jump out of the trees and colonise the entire world, like no other animals have ever done, without out "social skills".
All this was done without heirarchical restrictions or coercions, since the colonisation of the world was achived in the pre-civilisaed period.
Any examination of the anthroplogy of non-civilised societies show that all rely on co-operations and sharing,
You seem to be basing your view point of social interactions on your personal direct experience which is all about a massively stratified society where specialisms and heirarchies have mobilised technologies and ideologies of power. And until very recently knowledge and access to it have been the preserve of certain classes of priviledged social groups within society.
Yet the world was colonised with groups of humans with mobile subsistence strategies in which specialisms were rare and revered. In such small groups negative social behavioiurs are neither productive nor tolerated. And the storage and hoarding of foods impossible, making sharing normative.