If the first is true, then it would lead one to believe, despite on a general scale of everyone living a comfy life, without the former stressors of our less advanced and equipped selves. We find ourselves more depressed and anxious, than ever recorded. That this non-confrontational, happy go lucky, way of living has brewed more problems than that we have ever faced. We traded in our old worries about survival, protecting our land, raising our children. For modern sorrows about which pronouns we use, whether or not we want to live in a studio paying $1,500 or a one bedroom for $2,100, or deluding ourselves, that we don’t need anyone and are satisfied with just our dog. I don’t find myself surprised or at all shocked, when a teenage boy in the midwest says he’s depressed or suicidal because he was bullied for being gay. Or when a twenty something says she suffers from anxiety due to societal and cultural pressures. I am the least bit surprised. Although, I am surprised when a young man who tends to the cattles, shepherds the lambs, and feeds his family, says he is depressed or anxious. I am surprised when a teenage girl that cooks and bakes alongside her mother, reads her religious scripture, cleans her home says she is depressed or anxious. This illicits confusion. How could doing something so human, so integral, cause one to have depression or anxiety? Could it be the uncertainty of food that causes the anxiety? Could it be the shakey faith that causes the depression? It couldn’t possibly be the uncertainty of food, as having the certainty of food, still we are anxious, and it can’t be the shakey faith, because even with total rejection of a higher power, we are still depressed. Then what could it be? Perhaps, this lingering depression and anxiety is inate as to who and what we are, maybe it is inevitable that we will be depressed or anxious. It will forever be a part of us, but what is it that has led to the increase of those who are. Pool sample? Fear of ridicule? Romanticization?