Atla wrote:What we experience as change, are all existing "snapshots" of an unchanging block universe.
RJG wrote:Snapshots by themselves cannot give us the experience (or illusion) of "change", ...i.e. without the "flipping" of this flipbook of snapshots, there can be no illusion to experience.
Atla wrote:Then you took "snapshot" too literally. The block universe contains every moment past present future all at once in one structure.
"Moment" is a 'temporal' word; an increment of time/change. If time/change did not exist, then neither do "moments".
Atla wrote:Think of these moments as infinitessimal snapshots in space and time, that are all connected with each other.
Okay, but this still doesn't help any.
Firstly, if we do that, then these snapshot/moments don't exist at all. If we could make each of these snapshots so infinitesimally small so as to remove the component of time/change from it, then we would take them right out of existence. There would be nothing there. These "moments" cannot exist without time/change.
Secondly, it does not matter how small we make a "moment of time", is still "time/change".
In other words, without time/change, not only would there be no-existence of each snapshot, but there would be no way to sequentially connect and playback (or "flip") these snapshots into a temporal illusion.
Atla wrote:We can only talk about space, time and change as relative features within the block universe.
But we humans wouldn't be able to talk about the relative-ness of space, time and change in the first place, if the absoluteness of space, time, and change did not first exist!
Denying the existence of change (and therefore Time and Space) means that we deny our own experiences, which is contradictorily non-sensical. It is logically impossible to deny our experiences. For any ('
experience' of) denial only affirms the existence of our experiences.
Atla wrote:But the block universe as a whole does not change, is spaceless and timeless.
If so, then we (as members of this block universe) would not be having this conversation.
Atla wrote:What is illogical is the idea of genuine change, you are taking an illogical stance. Change is an accepted form of magic.
The illogic (self-contradiction) is making this claim if claims can't be made.
Atla wrote:Stuff disappears into nothingness, stuff appears out of nothingness, the whole thing is somehow driven in one direction.
Who says "stuff disappears/appears into/from nothingness"? ...that is logically impossible.
I think it is best to base our understanding of reality on simple 'logic' and not on 'bad science' (or 'bad philosophy'). Note: Bad Science = Science that disregards logic.
Atla wrote:Besides, as Scott has argued, Einstein has more or less proven that change in the ordinary sense is an illusion.
Logically there can be no illusion if there is no real change. Einstein cannot defy logic. Logic always trumps Science.