1-We all agree then.
2 The strange metaphysical question as to the existence of non-physical objects and properties (and relations) remains a defeater - in my opinion - to moral realism and objectivism.
2-I simply state that thoughts are not physical, meaning is not physical but that thoughts and meanings made manifest in the physical world are physical.
3 To me, the expression 'morality is meaning' is mystical. In other words, it isn't trying to say anything open to rational explanation or criticism. It's a bit like 'God is love'.
3-I don't believe there is anything mystical about it. If you feel a rock compare it to other like things and find it hard, you conclude rocks are, and rocks are hard, you've given the thing/object its meaning, the meaning is relative to your bodily experience.
4 And the expression 'meaning is the property of conscious subjects' is similarly metaphysically sonorous and empty. But ... I'm impatient.
4-Well, when you look about, at objects, where do you suspect they gain there meaning, even the bible has Adam naming things. In the absence of consciousness, there is no object, in the absence of object, there is no consciousness. Subject and object stand or fall together.