There are three levels of cognition for Man in society: the exoteric which is like living in Plato's cave, the esoteric which is the vertical path in which a person begins to experience meaning, and the transcendent level where Man becomes his conscious human potential. ... religions/
Finding the complimentary relationship between science and religion requires person to be at least on the esoteric level. The exoteric level is good for arguing but not for experiencing the complimentary relationship between objective facts and objective values.
I believe that one identical thought is to be found—expressed very precisely and with only slight differences of modality—in. . .Pythagoras, Plato, and the Greek Stoics. . .in the Upanishads, and the Bhagavad Gita; in the Chinese Taoist writings and. . .Buddhism. . .in the dogmas of the Christian faith and in the writings of the greatest Christian mystics. . .I believe that this thought is the truth, and that it today requires a modern and Western form of expression. That is to say, it should be expressed through the only approximately good thing we can call our own, namely science. This is all the less difficult because it is itself the origin of science. Simone Weil….Simone Pétrement, Simone Weil: A Life, Random House, 1976, p. 488
"To restore to science as a whole, for mathematics as well as psychology and sociology, the sense of its origin and veritable destiny as a bridge leading toward God---not by diminishing, but by increasing precision in demonstration, verification and supposition---that would indeed be a task worth accomplishing." Simone Weil
Of course there are a minority aware of the importance of this balanced relationship but as of now, not enough to offset the influence of deniers on the exoteric level. Perhaps in 100 years it may be different but the question is if our species can survive this imbalance for 100 years.
Man would like to be an egoist and cannot. This is the most striking characteristic of his wretchedness and the source of his greatness." Simone Weil....Gravity and Grace